Laneman: can we go back to your original symptoms of 10 and 12.5 volts? How was this measured? Even if it was ‘an unreliable’ helm gauge does not explain the beeping.
Here is a suggestion to determine all is sound on the
in-situ battery / alternator front > using your Fluke attach it to the battery POS and NEG with some good alligator clips with long enough leads to have the meter outside the engine compartment where it can be easily read. Careful of routing to avoid spinning parts
With a helper, monitor the meter voltage during the start cycle. Before starting should be about 12.5 or more and during the cranking it will drop to about 11 or so. If drops to 10 or less > battery issue (or some other excessive draw on the battery due to starter issue or connections). Now that its running kick the RPMs up to 1500 or so to ensure alt is getting good and going. Voltage should be about 13.5 to 14.2. If not, issue with the alt. or some abnormal draw or connections.
- And any beeping going on during this test?
And while you are at it compare the helm gauge with what you are seeing on the Fluke > will provide a sense of the accuracy of the gauge.
Please post results and we’ll go from there and hopefully all is good.