Re: been watching to many auction shows.
I love a good live auction too...but I hate the fact that a poor working stiff like myself and others, has no chance for the really good stuff up against the damn dealers who come from around the state with their buyers, and outbid everyone in the ring. I understand it's just business, but they have access to the kind of capital that the local "single item" buyers don't. I used to go to farm auctions all the time as a kid with my dad, and learned from him the many pitfalls of the "game." He explained to me things like "ghost bidders" and "padding the bid". Apparently, there are auctioneers who have a bad habit of using inside people to run up the bids, and the dealers all know each other and the auction operators, so it's like a mini-stock market of sorts. Only the "high rollers" get the good deals, and the small potatoes players get skunked.
I went to one recently (drove 3.5 hours) for a single particular item that I believed alone would not bring much attention (or money). Well, that item, along with about $10,000 worth of other non-related stuff was bought by one guy in 5 minutes. I later learned that he ran a wholesale business in an adjoining state, and was seen frequently by locals buying up large estates. I told the wife when I got back home that I would never drive that far again to go to an auction. There will always be someone with more money who can outbid me just to be spiteful.
On a positive note; during the trip home, I passed an auction sign for a business liquidating their inventory and some of the owners personal property. On a whim, I went 15 miles out of my way to go see what was left (it was late afternoon) and came home with a vintage Johnson outboard that I had no business buying; but I thought it would be a fun toy to play with or simply scrap if it was junk. I found out it's worth more in parts than as a running engine! So I'm a happy camper for the most part. Now I just have to decide if it's worth spending more money on it to get it running. :facepalm: