Bearing Buddies new to me

Gerald Barnes

Seaman Apprentice
Jun 6, 2004
I recently bought a boat, motor, trailer all 1999 model. Getting ready for a 200 mile trip and want to check and repack wheel bearings. I've done cars and truck w/b all my life but no trailers with Bearing Buddies (actually the label says "Fulton Performance Products).<br /><br />Question is, do you use snap ring pliers and go into the bearings that way or use a rubber mallet and take the bearing buddie unit off?


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 31, 2002
Re: Bearing Buddies new to me

Use the mallet method to walk them off and from there on it's just like auto front wheels. Check to see if the seal is a double lip. Keeps grease in and water out.

Gerald Barnes

Seaman Apprentice
Jun 6, 2004
Re: Bearing Buddies new to me

Thanks JL. <br /><br />Questions: <br /><br />Double lip seal on outside bearing, inside or both?<br /><br />Where's best place to get bearings, races and seals? <br /><br />Grease: What type do you recommend?

wayne h

Master Chief Petty Officer
Apr 29, 2003
Re: Bearing Buddies new to me

double seal lip on the inside bearing it looks like a regular seal but there is 2 lips on it just like it sounds . bearings and races can he bought from the local auto store usually the seal can also but u might not find the double lip seals there. i use reagual seals and have not had any problems. u will have to take the brearing races and seals with u because there are a few diffrent kinda. make sure u clean everything good or the parts counter guy wont help u hahaa they hate to get dirty. u can jack up the trailer and spin the wheels and listen and feel for roughness and play. if u dont feel any you might just get away with putting grease in the bearing buddy and going on your way just stop every 50 or so miles and put your hand on the hub and see if they feel hot if it was taken care of you should be fine. or u could just pull the bearing buddy and look at the grease in there if its contaminated then u have to clean and repack. if u have done cars you know what to look for. get marine grease u can get that at the parts store also. jlshields is right all u have to do is hit the buddys on the 4 sides and walk them off they will come right off.


Chief Petty Officer
Mar 4, 2003
Re: Bearing Buddies new to me

The Bearing Buddy site has a good collection of FAQ's, here <br /><br />You'll also find some very good instructions at Champion Trailers, here <br /><br />Champion is also a great place to get your parts, as long as you don't mind mail-order.

Gerald Barnes

Seaman Apprentice
Jun 6, 2004
Re: Bearing Buddies new to me

Thanks guys, I appreciate the information. Got a chance yesterday to jack up the trailer and spin the wheels. No roughness, no bearing play, spins like a roulette wheel. So, I just gave her a few shots of grease and will check the hubs every hour or so on the trip. I will replace bearings, races and seals before long.