Well I had my batteries load tested. They are Stowaway deep cycle's. Rated at 180 reserve, 650 cca@32 degree's, and 500 cca@0 degree's. I don't beleive they are connected together in any way, but I have to dig through the wiring to make sure.<br /><br />The trolling motor battery tested bad at 650 cca. We kept lowering the cca until the test was performed at 300 cca. Then it said good. So does that mean it's good if I don't use it in cold weather. I think that one might be bad, but I'm no expert. What do you guy's think.<br /><br />The starting battery (wich is really just a deep cycle) tested bad at 650, but good at 600. I think this one will still work. <br /><br />Do you guy's think I can get by with just switching them around for now. I'm short on cash at the moment. Will the one bad one start a Force 150 with 300 cca. I can take a good jump box as back up. It will just be for a month or so until I can get a new battery. I just hate to miss the early fishing. Thank's