So I can use a Deep Cycle battery to only start a engine and possibly use a fishfinder? and also, which would be better to use a "starting battery" I have heard that the starting battery will last longer. Is this true?
A 25 HP motor in good condition doesn't take much to start it, and a deep cycle will work just fine. A deep cycle can withstand deeper discharge than a cranking battery without damage. Just make sure to put a charger on it right after an outing to ensure it is fully charged as soon as possible; leaving lead-acid batteries below full charge for extende4d periods kill them. The charging system in your outboard probably puts out very little juice.
if you did not own a battery I would say get down to K mart and buy the cheapest one they have ..but batteries is batteries as eggs is eggs .You will have no problem .I would not have the battery tested commercially as these places are too quick to tell you its scrap. I once did as test 5 men and 5 women took a good battery to 10 different shops .....2 of the men were told it was scrap 5 of the women were told it was scrap .....what does that tell you