It's been 5 years and still searching for my solution. The reason I want a charging system is I fish at night ( lights )and use a fish finder. These drain the battery.This is the type of ignition coil I have. I see several different types on the internet but they don't look like they will work. (mercury 74367A3) Does anyone have a picture of the one that will fit.
It's been 5 years and still searching for my solution. The reason I want a charging system is I fish at night ( lights )and use a fish finder. These drain the battery.
Can I use the ignition stator coil for power to add voltage to a rectifier?
Can I change my ignition stator assembly to one that accepts a lighting coil?
If I could get a picture of an engine's ignition stator with lighting coils, I will know what to look for.
1975 mercury 200 20hp motor
serial #7063077.