Battery acid built up on pos. battery terminal


Jul 20, 2006
I'm trying to figure out why my left turn signal isn't working on my trailer. Well the hoppy 4 wire flat connector kit I bought for my 2000 Ford Explorer had a power wire that had to be connected to the battery. It has been about 5 months since I hooked it up and I just checked the battery and there is corrosion or battery acid (its green) or whatever it is, built up all around the pos. terminal (at least and inch of it out in all directions). That was the terminal that I hooked up the power wire to.I know you can pour coke over it to get rid of it, but could this be the cause of my turn signal not working? If not is this normal because I've never seen that much coming out of any vehicle battery I've ever had.


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 19, 2003
Re: Battery acid built up on pos. battery terminal

I don't know about the turn signal. If the connection at the battery was that bad it would cause more problems.

You can clean the corrosion off the battery with baking soda and water. Once clean and dry you can apply some spray on battery terminal protector. (Available at auto-parts store and wal-mart)

- Brian


Supreme Mariner
Mar 5, 2006
Re: Battery acid built up on pos. battery terminal


Have you checked voltages yet with your meter at various places starting with the connector at the vehicle?

neil271978 said:
wcould this be the cause of my turn signal not working?


Seaman Apprentice
Jul 9, 2006
Re: Battery acid built up on pos. battery terminal

Actually it is normal. If you do not keep a clean connection on the positive terminal, and keep the humidity in the air away from the exposed surfaces, and if you mix materials (copper and lead, or copper and aluminum, or copper and stainless, etc.), it will build up exactly the way you are describing.

What most likely happened here is when you added the power wire for the lights, you introduced two or more things: you expsed the raw metals on the battery post and or connector,, you introduced humid air to those exposed metals, and/or you introduced a new metal (the wire or connector for the power line to the lights).

Sounds pretty complexicated but it really isn't. Whenever you add a wire to the battery terminal for power pickup, use a 'tinned' connector like a ring terminal. (can be purcased at any auto parts store or department) Then after you have tested your hook-up coat the whole battery terminal and new connector with a spray paint type Battery Protector. Also available at any auto parts place. Some people use grease or silocon compounds. I think they just make a gooey mess that collects bug carcasses and dirt.

Now for your turn signal issue: you either have a bac connection for that turn signal or a bad ground on or in the light housing for that turn signal. I like to run my grounds straint from the connector at the hitch all the way back to each light's mounting posts.

Good luck.
Ray L.