Re: Bananas on a boat
I once went on a halibut charter. 65 foot boat, sort of like Gilligan's Island with a happy ending.<br />We had the most beautiful weather you could believe.<br />The ocean was like glass!! Very rarely do you have that. Not even any wind chop. Bright sunshine. What more could you ask for??<br />2 hours out of port, someone walked by with a banana in their hand. (on their way to toss it overboard, before the crew saw it)<br />40 minutes later, we had 3-4 foot rollers. Not bad, perfect to let the boat do the jigging. That is such a good thing with 3-5 lb weights!<br />The crew does a fish check. They drop lines to see if there are any halibut on the bottom. No Dice, pull anchor, motor 45 minutes to a second spot. 5-6 foot rollers, wind and starting to whitecap by now. Crew does another fish check, no fish. We motor over to a third spot. 45 min later, we are in 12-16 foot double rollers. Captain says we are going to head for port in the storm. <br />Nearly everyone, all but 4 of us, was seasick as he!!. They wouldn't let anyone out of the cabin, due to waves breaking over the back of the boat.<br />It was worse than a men's locker room after an 8 week playoff, with the cleaning crew on strike.<br />After nearly everyone had puked themselves out and went to sleep. The crew told the 4 of us, yes I was in the minority

( our group had 3 out of 4 of the few, the proud) that we could come up to the cabin. I stayed below with my friends son, who was asleep. We were supposed to take turns, 30 minutes apiece. 1 hour later, I go to check on him. <br />He had stepped on lip at the bottom of the door to the control room. The boat hit a wave. His leg snapped!! He was looking at the bottom of his foot!!<br />4 hours later, in 12-16+ seas, we made it back to harbor and got him to the hospital.<br /><br />Banana 1<br />Fishing Charter owners 0 (they refunded 100% of cash)<br /><br />Never will I let a banana on a boat again. That is, if I know about it.<br /><br />AK Chappy