Bait Tank ----- my venturi won't venture (???)


Fleet Admiral
Oct 13, 2003
My homemade bait tank has a pump to provide a current and venturi-type aeration, but I can't consistently get bubbles. <br /><br />Using a 1/2" pvc hose & 1/4" pvc tube, I get a good stream of bubbles for about 30-40 seconds, then a big bubble and nothing after that. I tried restricting the air tube, I get smaller bubbles but only for the half-minute.<br /><br />I got no bubbles at all until I shoved the air line halfway into the hose and secured it to the hose, so it enters at a very shallow angle and the end of the tube is just about facing the end of the hose (does that make sense?). I'd read that the end of the tube should be a 45º angle but that didn't work - mine's just cut off flat. Does this sound right? <br /><br />How far from the end of the water hose should the air line port be?<br /><br />Thanks!
Feb 7, 2006
Re: Bait Tank ----- my venturi won't venture (???)

JTexas, it sounds like your losing the suction as water travels through the hose. How long is the venture pipe? How long is the hose from where the venture enter to the discharge?<br />I converted mine to a "driven water" type after reading Attwoods information at their website. They state that they found the air saturation was more with this type system. I mounted 1/2" pipe around the top of my tank with 1/4" holes drilled at an angle this creates some current and has increased the amount of bait and the time I can keep them alive.I pump from the bottom of my tank thru a directional valve mounted on top of tank to a filter and then to spray bar. Mine is a 30Gal. round drum that I fill to about 20Gal. and I will keep 4-6 doz shad or blue back herring alive for as long as 24hrs. I often flush my tank when, on the water, about every 2-4 hrs. I also try to keep my water temp. below 65<br />Good luck<br />Michael


Fleet Admiral
Oct 13, 2003
Re: Bait Tank ----- my venturi won't venture (???)

Thanks, michael, I've got a round 19-gallon plastic tub, I figure I can put about 15 or 16 gallons in it. Attwood 500gph pump intake is at the bottom, discharge is split with a "T" fitting - one outlet to the filter, and the other is the 1/2" pvc hose. The venturi tube is about 12 or 14" long, I've tried it 1" and 4" from the discharge, same result.<br /><br />I don't know if my water flow isn't fast enough, or the tube is too small? Guess I'll have to experiment.<br /><br />I added a discharge outlet with a garden hose valve for a pump-out, and hooked into my livewell plumbing so I could change the water...that'll work in the winter, but the surface temp this time of year is over 80º at sunup. How do you manage to keep the temp so do get some hot weather there in SC, right? :) <br /><br />I need some kind of insulation - any recommendations?


Jun 22, 2002
Re: Bait Tank ----- my venturi won't venture (???)

Frozen milk jugs (filled with water) sealed with the cap on. Won't add chlorine to the water...<br /><br />Place one in the livewell everyone now and then to reduce the water temp...
Feb 7, 2006
Re: Bait Tank ----- my venturi won't venture (???)

Hey Jtexas, sorry i haven't gotten back to you, Been out of town. <br />Insulation; if you know someone who prays the liguid stuff i think that is the way to go. I went to Lowes and got some blue foam that they sell and glued it to sides and bottom and top.This stuff is fairly dense and is about 1/2' thick. I also use 2 liter bottles of frozen water to cool.<br />I use the 3-way valve to pump out. turn one way and goes to filter then to spray bar. turn some more and it pumps out to side.<br />right now our water temps are in the mid 70's and climbing.<br />good luck<br />Michael


Fleet Admiral
Oct 13, 2003
Re: Bait Tank ----- my venturi won't venture (???)

1/2" foam sounds workable - I thought about a water heater blanket, but it'll be a real hassle if it gets wet.<br /><br />Did some research & fabricated a new venturi pipe with marine-tex and a PVC "T" - works great.<br /><br />Thanks!