Neighbor has 1988 Force 125 hp on a Bayliner fish and ski . He had a dead battery , so he replaced it only to go dead in 2 days . With the battery removed and checking the heavy battery cables, an ohmn meter reads 80 ohmns when hooked up + to red and - to black , but 0 when reversed . Going to the starter solenoid , I get the same 80 ohmns across the large contacts , and 0 when reversed . The manual I have says to check across the small terminals for 2.2 to 2.8 ohmns , which I did and got 2.2 . I am not an expert and hate to advise my neighbor to get a starter solenoid if that isn't whats wrong . Anyone care to comment ? Am I on the right track . Any other ideas . Thanks , Rollie