Bad "Plugs" or????


May 9, 2001
We've been using standard rubber/brass drain plugs on our boats (6+, all in the 16-21' range). For the second time in about 2 months we had a catastropic failure of the boat drain plug (2 separate boats). Plugs were still "in" but the brass threaded bolts/lock down mechanishms had fallen out and left a nice 1/8" hole and round brass plate on the inside. Of course, the water (salt) came in. One boat swamped, the other we caught mid fill. One plug had been in 4 months, one 6; we change them when we put antifouling paint on. Have now resorted to plugs with nuts on the threaded end. <br /><br />These boats stay in the water, any helpful hints??? Or suggestions on tracking down the problem. Both were mounted exterior, new ones are now on interior of bilge. <br /><br />Please don't tell me to get Whalers - have 2. Thanks for any input..... It's exasperating to "sink" an expensive boat due to a $4.95 part..... :confused:


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Bad "Plugs" or????

Beats me, MTP. I never ran up against this one. I've tried to think about how I dealt with plugs when I did keep a boat in the water. I think I pulled the plug at least once every time I was out, after rinsing down, to drain the cockpit. <br /><br />Do you use the lever lockers or the "T" handle tighteners? How tight do you set them? I use lever lockers and set them as tight as I can and still lock them.<br /><br />Red sky at night. . .<br />JB :)


May 9, 2001
Re: Bad "Plugs" or????

Sorry about the delay in replying J.B. We use(d) both, one of each type failed. We do set as tight as possible. Checking with local boaters several have had this problem (at least 3 other local craft, all within last 6 months). Weird, maybe we all got cheapo plugs... Don't know but plan on 3 month rotation as a "safety".