Bad fuel pump?


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 11, 2003
Motor is a 2000 50 hp johnson. Has been running great, but then suddenly began to sputter and lose power when accelerating. Felt and sounded just like it does when the fuel tank runs out. Tried switching tanks, changed the external inline fuel filter, sprayed carbs/cylinders with sea foam. Found that I could keep the motor running by squeezing the fuel line bulb when it starts to cut out. Under the hood and behind the starter is what looks like some sort of fuel filter. i did notice that as that gets to about half empty the motor would try to cut out.Today the boat ran great without a problem. Could the fuel pump be going bad? Boat was winterized last fall, cylinders fogged.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Nov 11, 2005
Re: Bad fuel pump?

if you have a built in tank, the vent could be partially clogged, or as you said fuel pump going bad.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 11, 2003
Re: Bad fuel pump?

External/portable tanks, checked the vents, they are OK. Can a fuel pump go bad "slowly", as in work fine, then not, then OK again?


May 19, 2007
Re: Bad fuel pump?

I just went through this with my 110. Sounds exactly like mine was acting. Started ok but soon tried to die. Unless you "pumped the ball", then it picked back up. Wouldn't take gas if you tried to gun it either.

Just like you, I tried everything else I could think of. Changed tanks, changed fuel lines, nothing worked. Then I checked out the fuel pump. Turns out the VRO oil pump and the fuel pump are one in the same.

You didn't mention if your engine was oil injected or not. However, if it is you might think about changing over now - while your changing the pump out anyway. My mechanic told me the oil injection units are very unrealible. He keeps them on new engines until they are out of warranty, then advises owner to disconnect them and start mixing their gas/oil 50:1.

I never trusted the VRO, but was pleased with mine for years. So I left it be. Then recently it went out. Mechanic claimed they were backed up, and said it would be months before he could get to it. However, he got me the new parts and said he would walk me through it. (If I wanted to try it myself).

I unbolted the fuel/oil pump from the front of the engine and trashed it.
(Scarey, but I did as instructed). Then I installed the old style fuel pump to the side of the engine, just in front the starter.

The new pump was much smaller and had no electrical hookup. So I couldn't understand how it was replacing the old, but again - I followed directions.

There is a plug in the side of the engine. (In the block near the starter). Just remove it, put a gasket on, then bolt the new pump on. Two screw/bolts, threaded holes already in the block. No electrical to hook up, it runs by vacume. Easy fix. Cheap too.

Once the pump is on you just re-route the old existing gas lines to the intake and out to carbs. Good to go.

Remember to mix your oil/gas though. Don't want to burn anything up.
(50:1). Mine now runs great. Seems faster and starts easier. I was nervous about the swap, but Johnson/Evinrude sell the old style pumps just for such a fix. Must be common problem.

New pump set me back $62.00, but that's a lot better than replacing the oil/gas pump. New one of them runs around $300.00.

Hope this helps. Good luck.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Nov 11, 2005
Re: Bad fuel pump?

you also have to disable the low oil sender wire. or the alarm will go off. that's why i bought and 88 spl instead of the 90 hp. if you have the VRO 2 it is much more reliable than the original VRO.


Jun 2, 2007
Re: Bad fuel pump?

This is my 1st post. What a great resource here. I'm having the same problem w/ my 80 Johnson jet that has a VRO2 pump. I replaced the pump last year as well. This is getting old! I've not seen the old style pump but am going to look into the change out. I noticed in my service manual it says that the VRO2 pump is not capable of lifting more than 24". THis seems impossible to achieve. Currently mine is lifting 41". Does anyone have any experience w/ this?