Purchased new GM marine engine from Michigan motors last year. From the first day it had an issue that was causing miss-firing at around 4300rpms. After checking everything, fuel, ignition modual I changed out the coil and it would then run up to WOT. The ignition system is the GM Delco HEI (voyager). Very simple system distributed with a small modual and an external coil, has electronic advance. Mallory sells a version of this as they must make the ignition system for GM. I am now having a similar mis-firing issue and have ordered a new coil. Started out like it was starving for fuel and would randomly quit or loose power then come back in the same breath and run fine. Not it seems to run ok up to around 4000rpms and breaks up. My question is what could damage a coil, it's attaches at the back left corner on the bracket used to lift the motor and not in contact with anything else. I disconnect the battery while it's in the garage.. I hear good things about this ignition system but don't want to keep buying new coils or at least understand what might cause them to go bad.