Back on line

Triton II

Nov 23, 2004
Well, after an absence of a month or so I finally figured out why I lost access to iboats. My ISP (Optusnet) says the main Australian ISPs (including IPRIMUS, OPTUSNET and BIGPOND) in the IP address range 210.29 to 210.31 have been blocked by iboats. They (Optusnet) claim they have tried to contact iboats to fix the problem but have received no response. In the meantime I'm back on using dial-up via a cheapo laptop.<br /><br />So people, you're stuck with me again! Good news for me at least as you've no idea how addicted you get until you endure an enforced absence.<br /><br />However, I would like to know why iboats has blocked the second biggest recreational boat market per capita (and maybe outright) in the world. I have made many e-friends on this site and want to continue to extract useful information and occasionally add something which could be of benefit to others. Strewth, I even suggested and offered to help set up an iboats offshoot here in Sydney as I have many friends in the industry and we could really do with an internet-based boating warehouse with its lower costs and better range of products.<br /><br />It costs me slightly more to have a dial-up facility as well as broadband, but it's a small price to pay for access to this excellent site. However, there are hundreds if not thousands of potential iboats customers and contributors here in Australia and barring them from broadband access is weird! In general Australians are very American oriented, we've helped out with various wars and always been supportive of US foreign policy. So please iboats management, reconsider your decision to bar us from your site. :mad: <br /><br />Mark.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Back on line

Welcome back, Mark!<br /><br />Glad to see ya. :)


May 2, 2003
Re: Back on line

Hi Mark, a lot of aussies and kiwis are having problems, seems as though you have got more info out of optus than most. Hope they sort it out soon.<br /><br />Aldo