Babies and Boating: Safe?


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Aug 15, 2004
I am a new dad and my son is about 6 months. Common sense tells me to wait for next season to ride around at cocktail speed in my boat with him (with PFD). Is there an age that is considered "safe" with kids (given good weather)?<br /><br />Also, I have a 2005 18' center console and will be boating on tributary of Chesapeake Bay.<br /><br />I researched this and read ages from 4 months to 4 years old are good ages to start boating with your kid with this type of boat...that’s a big range.


Lieutenant Commander
Sep 14, 2003
Re: Babies and Boating: Safe?

Not only will it be safer for your son, but he will likely enjoy it more next year. My daugher will be 2 yrs old in 2 weeks, had her out on the boat once or twice last summer when she was about 14 months, then again this past week or so, much better experience for both of us I think when she was a little older and could understand more what was happening, as well as being old enough to understand important things like "NO!". :D <br /><br />Also I recommend a second or third pair of eyes out there with you. <br /><br />Have fun.


Seaman Apprentice
Apr 15, 2005
Re: Babies and Boating: Safe?

zoom I was in the same boat as you kinda; I have a 17 month old and I will be taking him out for the first time this season. Last summer he was just to young and required to much attention. Also, the factor of the hot intense sun over head. I feel that this year he will be able to know more and understand more. I do not think that a 6 month old should not go out on the boat, but he will require a lot of attention and a full time set of hands.


Lieutenant Commander
Mar 1, 2003
Re: Babies and Boating: Safe?

Zoom...It's all in what your comfertable with, provided you act responsable. We have a child due in the last week of july and I expect his (or her) maiden voyage will be in august. <br /><br />The last one was born in december so he did not get out until he was 7 mos by default but he loved the breeze and motion of the boat. At 17 mos he is now on his second season.<br /><br />We will camp (truck camper)with the boat in tow with the newborn within two weeks of his birth...Yes they take some special considerations but so long as you are there to look after them they will be fine.<br /><br />They do cut into fishing time and most are not long days on the water but worth every minute of it. they are more into swimming at this age(the 4 and 6 yr) but sure beets being stuck at the house thinking ya cannot do anything because ya have kids.<br /><br />I boat alone regularily with my three kids, it draws the occasional odd first glance but the kids LOVE IT and I love it.<br /><br />To many people think they are a burden so they do not do anything, I think they are kids and companions and can do anything within reason. and to be honest, I think that is the way they like it.....Be safe!<br /><br />Added afterthought: Keep in mind that in my boating the two older ones that they understand when dad tells them somthing they listen imediatly and without hesitation: this keeps me free to look after the 17, mos old. But if your gonna boat with kids they need to understand that as soon as they are old enoufgh to follow orders THEY MUST.<br /><br />Both of my kids know what to do if somthing happened to dad...The red cord. My oldest one is getting to the stage that he could for the most part operate it on his own if he had to (Don't tell him that) I honestly believe that if somthing happened to me he could take us ashore. But believe me this has taken time and love,...


Seaman Apprentice
Apr 25, 2005
Re: Babies and Boating: Safe?

Be careful with small children. I know you want them out there with you. Look at how many things on boat are face-level for them. One bad wave or wake can send them flying into something. If I had taken mine when they were so young, they would have worn football helmet as well as PFD.


Fleet Admiral
Oct 8, 2003
Re: Babies and Boating: Safe?

Had my 6mo old son in the boat last summer. He wore an infant PFD, and although he spent most of his time asleep in a car seat, he was not buckled in the seat. My wife took care of him, and my 5yr old had her 14yr old brother helping watch her. Loading was hectic so it pays to have everyone put on their PFD's before even getting in the boat. <br /><br />I found out that when the whole family goes out, there are two check lists. One for the boat and equipment, and a second for the gear being brought like food, drinks, cameras, camcorder, sunblock, towels, umbrella, beach tent, etc.


Mar 18, 2003
Re: Babies and Boating: Safe?

To me the most important thing is SPF 50 and a hat. Their tender skin burns so easily and they have a tendency to dehydrate quickly.<br /><br />I think we started the grandbabies at about a year old and both of them fell asleep before we left the main canal. I think the vibration puts them right to sleep.<br /><br />A short ride when the waters calm can't hurt and I think they find it soothing.

Richard Petersen

Senior Chief Petty Officer
Dec 17, 2004
Re: Babies and Boating: Safe?

If there was ever a time you want a good, responsible relative to babysit it is with a boat or plane, so you devote attention to the ride and enjoy each other. No guilt trip after the accident.

Eric K.

Jan 23, 2004
Re: Babies and Boating: Safe?

Zoom50, hope this doesn't sound to harsh. <br />It's hard enough to take care of a baby on a long car ride were you can stop anytime you need to. I have two kids 5 and 8, and it’s not so easy on a boat even with help. Personally I would never take any child under a toddlers age on a boat that was under livable size. When my kids were younger we went to the beach and also fished from the bank of small lakes. That got them liking the water without it being dangerous. Getting a sitter and enjoying the day with your wife alone would be safer. When things get sticky on a boat (and they will at some point), it’s always magnified with a child.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 26, 2003
Re: Babies and Boating: Safe?

Good read, Thanks guys. I'll be there soon.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: Babies and Boating: Safe?

We have three boys. All of them boated before they were one. In those days we spent more time on the beach than in the boat, but they were actually pretty easy. We of course watched the sun, the temp and they always had infant PFD's on. If they got fussy for no real apparent reason, we would take them for a spin and they were out. I think you should start them early, but be prepared to shorten the day if you have to. That's just part of the (new) deal . . .

cc lancer

Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 23, 2004
Re: Babies and Boating: Safe?

Ladyfish says:To me the most important thing is SPF 50 and a hat. Their tender skin burns so easily and they have a tendency to dehydrate quickly.<br /><br />I was friends with the pediatrician years ago when this question came up.<br />He said they often see the little ones come in to the emergency room, cooked rare to medium because the parents forgot about the tender skin and the dehydration.<br />So I told my wife we needed a larger boat with a worked. :)


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Sep 6, 2003
Re: Babies and Boating: Safe?

Zoom, I have a 4 and 2 year old who both started boating by 2-3 months old. The day is just a little shorter with the little ones, but at least you can get out on the water. They both wore infant PFD's and we had them in the car seat to keep them safe. Common sense comes into play here. As long as you feel comfortable taking the baby out, and take the neccessary precautions (Sunblock, hydration, a hat etc etc) then definately do it. As it was said before, you will definately need another pair of hands to help out when on the water. It's also important to have everything ready to go in the boat prior to launching the boat. Now my 4 yr old daughter knows the "rules" of the boat and will hopefully help teach her little brother how to act in the boat.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Aug 15, 2004
Re: Babies and Boating: Safe?

Thanks for all your input...I think I will stick with fishing from shore with my son this year...I'll get him out in the speed restricted river next season for an hour or two...Too many idiots out there.