B100 Won't start

desert sailor

Jun 22, 2008
Hi guys, I put in new fuel, cleaned the carb, toyed with the mixture needle (started at 1.75 to 3 turns out, from in snug), checked the fuel pump, there is weak but consistant spark at the plugs, and the new plugs are slightly damp when I pull them out. I'm thinking it may be the ignition coil, as it won't even fire if I starter fluid the cylinder and then put in the plugs. There is fuel sitting in the intake after cranking it over many times. (maybe I'm to rich... that would be a first). Ser.# is 10061-66. I don't know how to tell what year that is. She was runnin' fine and just died. Thank you for any advice

desert sailor

Jun 22, 2008
Re: B100 Won't start

Well, I decided to order a coil assembly since I would call my spark faint rather than weak. There seems to be plenty of juice going into the coil. The timing is dead on. Ordered parts from http://www.boats.net/


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 11, 2001
Re: B100 Won't start

This is not a hot ignition system on pullover.A spark test can send you completely chaseing your tail if you are expecting it's American cousins results.How is your compression?Remember that test has to be accomplished at wide open.Tried a little valve adjustment therapy lately?Have you taken a little fuel sample out of that conveinient little drain hole at the bottom of the float bowl and ,if so ,what did you see?It really doe'nt take much for an engine to run.Ignition ,compression ,fuel, exhaust,all at the right time and ratios.It might sound like a big idea but on this little guy please do'nt over think.