@silver_power i want to revisit this post you sent two years ago. and since i angered to gods here by wanting to revisit a post from over 90 day ago you said...
"Hello, i recently bought a used Cobalt 303 with 2010 axius Gen1 system. The boat had problem and previous owner unistalled the axius components (actuators from both engines and steering pump, HP filters etc from starboard engine) and converted it to classic cable steering system with a tie bar between two drives.
So, i found two actuators and every component needed to make axius work again as the rest of the ecectronics were been installed.
The mechanic calibrated the components but cannot calibrate the actuators.
For now, everything seems to be ok, BUT, steering actuators are locked with no response at all.Now the problem is that G3 software of the mechanic, asks for the boat's personality file.
I tried to contact Cobalt but i am still waiting as they told me that they do not have it and i must contact Mercruiser. Mercruiser told me that i must contact boat manufacturer first and after thew will see what they can do........
The fact now is that my boat has no steering and so it can not work.
My mechanic told me that even a "boat personality" file from other boat would unlock the actuators and allow him to make the calibrations. In this case the boat will have at least the steering system and it could work. Obviously the joystick would not be accurate but the most important is to have steering.
This Cobalt 303 is 2010model, Axius GEN1, with 2x mercruiser 377mag's mpi B3.
Here in Greece are really few boats with sterndrive axius system (5to 10 max) and so i can not find a file
I hope to find a solution from Cobalt but in case they tell me "sorry we can not make anything",....i have two solutions.
1. To sell the boat
2. To unistall all the parts i bought and installed and put again the classic cable steering system.
I hope you see how big is the problem.....
Thank you very much!!"
I am curious about this post, i am currently trying to remove the Axius form my boat. i lost steering while on plane and lost control of the boat. luckily i was in open water but it did throw my passengers on board around pretty violently. do you know how the previous owner was able to remove it and have the rest of the boat function properly?
"Hello, i recently bought a used Cobalt 303 with 2010 axius Gen1 system. The boat had problem and previous owner unistalled the axius components (actuators from both engines and steering pump, HP filters etc from starboard engine) and converted it to classic cable steering system with a tie bar between two drives.
So, i found two actuators and every component needed to make axius work again as the rest of the ecectronics were been installed.
The mechanic calibrated the components but cannot calibrate the actuators.
For now, everything seems to be ok, BUT, steering actuators are locked with no response at all.Now the problem is that G3 software of the mechanic, asks for the boat's personality file.
I tried to contact Cobalt but i am still waiting as they told me that they do not have it and i must contact Mercruiser. Mercruiser told me that i must contact boat manufacturer first and after thew will see what they can do........
The fact now is that my boat has no steering and so it can not work.
My mechanic told me that even a "boat personality" file from other boat would unlock the actuators and allow him to make the calibrations. In this case the boat will have at least the steering system and it could work. Obviously the joystick would not be accurate but the most important is to have steering.
This Cobalt 303 is 2010model, Axius GEN1, with 2x mercruiser 377mag's mpi B3.
Here in Greece are really few boats with sterndrive axius system (5to 10 max) and so i can not find a file
I hope to find a solution from Cobalt but in case they tell me "sorry we can not make anything",....i have two solutions.
1. To sell the boat
2. To unistall all the parts i bought and installed and put again the classic cable steering system.
I hope you see how big is the problem.....
Thank you very much!!"
I am curious about this post, i am currently trying to remove the Axius form my boat. i lost steering while on plane and lost control of the boat. luckily i was in open water but it did throw my passengers on board around pretty violently. do you know how the previous owner was able to remove it and have the rest of the boat function properly?