Awe ha! Pack rat season has started!


Fleet Admiral
Jul 8, 2010
Once again, the little buggers think they are going to take up residence in my shop! Well we once again started on our quest again last night when one ran out from under my roll around and set down and stared at me for a moment. So I grabbed the trap, baited with a bit of American cheese I keep around for just such occasions and set the trap. Around noon I checked, no joy!.

Sitting outside with the door open so I can hear the radio rebuilding the front end on my wife's car and snap/snap, checked the trap and low an behold, he was trapped!.

My best year was 3 years ago, when I trapped and disposed of 27 in 3 weeks, last year I got 12, wonder what the count with be this year!



Staff member
May 29, 2003
MT has officially declared war on pack rats in 2018!

Scott Danforth

Grumpy Vintage Moderator still playing with boats
Staff member
Jul 23, 2011
used to have field mice coming in my garage in WI in Septemter they would eat the peanut butter from the traps and not trip them. so i took a board, used a 3/4 copper pipe cap, soldered one end of a wire to that put in the middle of the board, made a mat around the cup with bare copper for another wire, and plugged it in the 220 volt outlet for the welder.

they would smell the peanut butter, come to eat and Zzzp-ppop