Attn: Skinnywater/hondon- Heat Soak


Jan 15, 2002
Hi Guys<br /><br />the honda is booked in later in the week at the dealers. I took it out today and tried to eliminate a few things. firstly this motor idles in neutral at about 1020 rpm (Small spark plug tacho from honda). At this rpm it is ok. If i park this motor and fish for a while and then turn it on it will start but the rpm has dropped about 150-200 rpm. This is why it might stall when it put in gear. It can take at least a minute to smooth out and climb to 1000 in neutral? Is this normal for Hondas<br /><br />i tried disconnecting the fuel line and letting the motor run for a few minutes to drop float levels before turning it off and fishing in case the float level was too high and fuel was expanding and overflowing into the cylinder. It started ok but the idle began at 820 and slowly sorted itself out and reached 1020 rpm after about a minute. This may put an end to the float level theory.<br /><br />If i fished with the cowling off the motor started perfectly and started at 1020 -1100 rpm. It was smooth with no coughs/ splutters.<br /><br />If i quickly turn the motor off and on it starts perfectly as well.<br /><br />It seems to me to be heat related or air temp related under the cowling. Any suggestions to give tho the mechanic would be appreciated.<br /><br />Regards<br /><br />Kellaig


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jan 22, 2003
Re: Attn: Skinnywater/hondon- Heat Soak

WAG;-Exhaust leak?Doesn't fit all the symptoms but you may have multiple problems.


Mar 7, 2002
Re: Attn: Skinnywater/hondon- Heat Soak

No, it's not normal. Again, I have to stress that if my motor is warmed up. Simply bumping the starter it fires up, idles smooth, and I'm ready to accelorate immediately, all within seconds.<br /><br />I prefer and have set it accordingly an idle between 1-1100 rpm.<br /><br />Your latest findings still do not dispell float levels, or another problem.<br /><br />kellaig, it's important to those that give advise here, that you follow-up and keep us posted.<br />Good luck with your next service experience.<br />Thank you.


Jan 15, 2002
Re: Attn: Skinnywater/hondon- Heat Soak

Hi Skinnywater and others<br /><br />I have had the boat at the mechanic- he checked the fuel system with no fault found. float levels, carbies etcv were ok. He changed the spark plus to an iridium type(better burn in a lean environment) and adviced me to run a higher RON fuel(Premium Unleaded). It improved the situation but it didn't fix the problem. He still thinks it a vapour lock problem. How do you prevent vapour lock.<br /><br />He is looking at maybe a sticky thermostat at low rpm's. This translates to a higher block temperature at low rpm's causing vapour lock when sitting for a while.<br /><br />Regards<br /><br />Kellaig


Mar 7, 2002
Re: Attn: Skinnywater/hondon- Heat Soak

Heat and/or fuel formulation are culprits of vapor lock.<br /><br />For the sake of simplicity, lets all agree with your techs diagnosis.<br />Better isn't fixed.<br /><br />When is your next appointment for a thermostat?<br />Keep pushing for a resolution.<br /><br />The fuel here in California is heavily manipulated in formulation. We have MBTE/methanol/oxygenated mixtures formulated to the seasons. I've burned them all, low grade swill, to card lock race fuel. <br />Nary a vapor lock. <br />I'll admit 91RON (premium)runs best for me. But it's barely worth the difference.<br /><br />As always, keep us up on this.