Are there any 1000 Islanders around


Chief Petty Officer
Dec 16, 2008
I haven't seen many people from around the 1000 island here, but I'm sure there must be some. The waters are full right now and schools not out yet. Once July 1 comes it'll be hard finding dock space.


Chief Petty Officer
Dec 16, 2008
Re: Are there any 1000 Islanders around

I can't believe there isn't one person on this site that is on the St. Lawrence River...............holy... ef you see kate


Chief Petty Officer
Sep 20, 2009
Re: Are there any 1000 Islanders around

I used to like to boat out of Gan and camp on Camelot. Busy, busy place during the summer.
I've also spent a fair bit of time fishing various sections from St-Anicet all the way to Cedar Island in Kingston. It's beautiful water in the fall when things quiet down.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
May 9, 2010
Re: Are there any 1000 Islanders around

I put in at Keewayden state park a lot.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
May 9, 2010
Re: Are there any 1000 Islanders around

Riverfest is this weekend


Chief Petty Officer
Nov 29, 2005
Re: Are there any 1000 Islanders around

1000 Islands is my next destination next year!

Jason 641

Oct 9, 2008
Re: Are there any 1000 Islanders around

I have spent a lot of summers in the islands growing up. My mom's family owned an island near Gananoque, ON for about 125 years. Unfortunately, they just sold it because they can't get along with each other.

Anyway, it is a beautiful area up there, I miss being able to go stay in the islands, I had planned on taking my boat up there this summer. The Islands they owned were "Sagistawika" and "Little Sagistaweka", the big island has a 2 story 5 bedroom 100+ year old house, and the little island has a small single story ranch house. The islands were connected by a small walking bridge. there was also a second house on the big island owned by someone else, my Aunt had sold off a small corner of the island years ago. I plan to go up there and visit sometime in the next couple years so I can take a ride by the island.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
May 9, 2010
Re: Are there any 1000 Islanders around

The only problem I have with the area are the rocks that come out of no where. Most are marked but if you're new to the area like me you really have to keep your eyes open


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: Are there any 1000 Islanders around

Ayuh,... I've been boatin' on that creek since the 70s, more so over the last 20 years...
I've got alotta friends who live in Clayton,+ the surrounding islands...

When I got to buying local waterfrontage though, I bought in Chaumont to access the Lake fishin' over the river...
I still manage to trailer to Clayton a couple times of year, mostly later season for the Muskies...
The only problem I have with the area are the rocks that come out of no where.

Ayuh,.... No kiddin',....
Short story,...
Jan. 6, 2006, It was 60? that day, a Real Fluke, the creek wasn't even froze up yet,...(back in the Global Warmin' days)

The guy I work for, Insisted We go for a shake-down cruise in his 74 Hi-liner we'd just finished the refit on,...(NO safety kit, Nothin') :rolleyes::redface:
So,... We trailer to Clayton, pick up the drive,+ I install it right there on the side of the goat trail My Bud, the Outdrive Guy lives on,...
(1st Problem, the controller cables were hooked up Backwards, found the problem,+ the "Road-side Fix" was to disconnect the controller,+ I'd shift it from the motorbox, as Eric piloted)

Then We trailer up to Collin's Landing, which is right directly under the 1000 Is. bridge,+ put in,... With the odds in our favor, that We'd be the only morons goin' for a Boat Ride, I left the wagon parked right in the launch,...
Eric motors on up stream headed to his Bro's place, next point up-stream of Canoe Point on Grindstone... Things were goin' smoothly with Me reminding Eric to avoid the Massive chunks of Ice floatin' by, the hull wouldn't be much problem, but the drive wouldn't like it,... He'd speed up, I'd slow us down,..

So anyway, We make it to Mark's unscathed,+ load up the fancy lumber scraps he wanted,...epay or something like that, nothin' over 4' or so, maybe 30 pieces...
We check out the place,+ head back,... Goin' by 1000 Is. Park, he's tellin' me about the crazy ship they did growin' up there,... Doin' the Same ship, he motors through the marina there at 25mph or so,... Back out on the creek, we head downstream, him continuing the narrative of life as a teen at the Park...
It's about gettin' Dark,....

Bang,... Crash,.... Boom,.... Dead Silence.............:rolleyes:

1st words out of Eric's mouth are, "I knew there's a shoal out here somewhere".....
My responce,...."Ayuh,.... Ya found it"....

I wander to the transom,+ look in the motorbox 1st, then over the stern 2nd,...
No water rushin' In,... That's good...

"Trim it up so I can see the lower,"... Of course, it's Darker yet, so there's little to See....

"Tryin' start it,"... Varuooommm,..!! I idle it,+ shift it into gear from the motorbox,+ Eric is Captian again....

I expressed my concern that We were probably on borrow time with the drive,+ should Cross the creek 1st,... The current would take Us to the wagon,....

Nope,.... Capt. Eric wanders down the island-side,+ asks me if he can speed up,... I tell 'im, No, I'll disconnect the throttle Too if he tries...
Once down to the bridge, he motored across,+ right up to the bow hook on the wagon,...

Home Free....
I hop in the truck,+ pull it up to the streetlight to See,...
The bullet is driven Back a few inches, I easily see forward gear,+ there's not a drop of Oil, or St. Lawrence left in it....

The moral of the story is,... A 4' chunk of deckboard, Ain't a paddle, but Upstream Is better than down....;)

The Hi-light of the Whole Trip,......
Was that bein' a Maineiac, I'd Never, Ever been on a boatride to view the local Christmas lights,+ decorations before....
a Very Cool experince,....;)


Petty Officer 2nd Class
May 9, 2010
Re: Are there any 1000 Islanders around

Yea Im no where near feeling comfortable enough to go around after the sun starts going down. That could have ended up a lot wore. Your buddy sounds like one I have back home.

Jason 641

Oct 9, 2008
Re: Are there any 1000 Islanders around

There are indeed a ton of rocks around there. One of my aunts has personally destroyed 4 boats (that I know of) on the rocks between Gananoque and our island. My grandpa showed me where I can and can't go when I was a little kid and I have never hit a rock (knock on wood). People get scared sometimes when I am at the wheel cruising between the islands, and they see rocks sticking up everywhere, but I have been through there enough times slowly to know where I can and can't go. Once it gets dark I get a little worried sometimes but using lights on the islands I can keep myself out of trouble.

about 5 or so years ago my cousin and I were up at the island and the power went out at the house, we knew there was some kind of festival going on in Gananoque so we headed into town to check that out and get something to eat. once we got there we realized that the whole town's power was out, but the festival was still going on because they were using generators so we stick around to listen to the music. We didn't think about the fact that we needed to head back to the island in the dark. That was the worst trip back to the island I have ever had because there were NO lights what so ever on any of the islands. we went very very slow that night.


Fleet Admiral
Mar 21, 2009
Re: Are there any 1000 Islanders around

Lived in Kingston ONT for awhile took the tour down the river, and got to see the Budweiser summer house, you can't miss it (BUD RED).


Sep 26, 2009
Re: Are there any 1000 Islanders around

Bondo, do ya know any of the Brewsters? I'm good pals with Russ. They owned Brewster Marina in Clayton a while back.


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: Are there any 1000 Islanders around

Ayuh,... I know the Marina, but not the family,.... Sorry,....

'course there's 1000s of Faces I know,+ not a Name on a 1......;) :D

People get scared sometimes when I am at the wheel cruising between the islands, and they see rocks sticking up everywhere, but I have been through there enough times slowly to know where I can and can't go.

Are ya Sure yer names not Eric,..?? :D :D
Jun 6, 2010
Re: Are there any 1000 Islanders around

Close by. Rochester/Charlotte Area. But every once in awhile Ill take the hike up to the cottege on Chaumont bay Alexander area.

Bet its gunna be busy up there this weekend with campers and boaters.

Have fun and a safe weekend :D


Oct 31, 2009
Re: Are there any 1000 Islanders around

1000 Islands are the most beatiful spot on earth, IMO. Been coming here since a kid w/friends, bought my first cruiser here in 85 (33'- wood; OMG!!) been here ever since. Moved onto a 31 Silverton, then bought a place on the water, and went to a 25' Formula. Stunning scenery, beautiful homes, but yes- rocks. Charts are your friend. Buy; carry them; USE them!! I see tourists here all the time with what I call the "lake mentaility"- the further I go from shore, the deeper it must be. Not! LOL. Seriously though, buy a Richardson's chart book, keep it open at all times until you learn where you're going.

Night boating is not the place to be for anyone who is not familiar with the area. Once you are though, it's a cakewalk. Just keep your eyes open, and run at reasonable or slow speeds. You eventually learn profiles of Islands, landmark shapes, and other features that let you go with reasonable safety at night.


Jul 5, 2010
Re: Are there any 1000 Islanders around

Will be at the Islands in 2 weeks. Been going every year for the last 22 years or so. Yes you better know the river, one year we moved over to let another boat pass (only 5 feet or so) and lost the lower unit. Good thing it was our last day.


Chief Petty Officer
Dec 16, 2008
Re: Are there any 1000 Islanders around

What a surprise...we were on Grenadier Centre for the long weekend and there were never more than 6-8 boats on the docks. Usually it's packed all summer long. A friend said they were around the Brockville Islands and they were almost empty.....I don't get it. What's going on, where are the boaters?????

Is it the water level? The gas prices now that the HST has kicked in...

HINT Buy it on the US side. I paid $3,59 for premium on Sunday, Mid=grade was $3.39. That equals about $.90 per litre. I heard it was $1.40 at Gordon's....

If it's gonna be this empty all summer, I'll have a blast and a choice of island to laze on.....


Oct 7, 2004
Re: Are there any 1000 Islanders around

I no longer live in the area, but I grew up in the 1000 Islands. Clayton Marina, for those of you familiar with the area. My family kept our 24 foot Bayliner there from 1986 to 1992. My stepfather ran Clayton Marina for years, and also has a cottage on "the back" of Grindstone Island (overlooking Gananoque). Even had a freshwater spring in the front yard...

I remember the rocks well. We used to tell every new boater at the marina that charts were not optional. My stepdad once took us around the NW side of Grindstone, and I was sitting on the back of his Grady White, and distinctly remeber seeing bolders pass beneath the chines as we blasted through the area at 30 mph.

I fondly remember the area, and miss it. I wish we were closer, but the sad fact is its a long haul from the west burbs of Chicago to the 1000 Islands. My current home waters are the Fox River Chain O Lakes, which is about as far from the St. Lawrence as you can get. On the Chain, the second you see 2 feet of water under the keel, you're clear to put it on plane. In the 1000 islands, 2 feet of water under the boat at anything less than a walking pace is asking for a Mayday call.