Are chrysler outboard good quality?


May 14, 2010
Im intrested in buying a chrysler outboard but im curious to know if they are really good quality, because last summer at my lake I remember seeing a couple diffrent boats throughout the summer being towed and they all had chrysler outboards. I know for a fact that there arent many chrysler outboards on my lake. Any one know anything about the quality of chryslers?


Lieutenant Junior Grade
May 27, 2009
Re: Are chrysler outboard good quality?

Boy this is like shoving a stick into a bee hive.

I have read many stories about Chryslers. Good and back.
For what I can tell. They are/were the entry level motors for boats.
Cheap to make and buy.

As long as the motor is in good condition, runs properly, I dont see any reason why you shouldn't buy it. Just because others have been towed and they've had chryslers is irrelevant. I'm sure just as many Johnsons, mercs and evenrudes have been towed in as well.


Mar 30, 2006
Re: Are chrysler outboard good quality?

I have an electric can opener that is a few years old. The last one broke. I have a manual can opener that my great great grandmother brought over on the mayflower. As long as I take care of it then it will last forever.

Chryslers are like the manual can opener. If you take care of it then it is just too simple of a machine to break a lot. The problem is that you have to maintain it yourself. The marina is going to give it to the high school kid as a learning experience. Their top mechanics make more money working on yamaha, mercs, and jonnies.

Dave K.

Chief Petty Officer
Sep 21, 2007
Re: Are chrysler outboard good quality?

@ RRitt....Well said!


Supreme Mariner
May 7, 2008
Re: Are chrysler outboard good quality?

I had a pair of Forces on my boat and I only had one problem.It was only a week old and a stator or pack(can't remember)went bad.
That was the only thing other than the rings carboning up.Which I caught in time before it did any damage.Then they started making TCW-3 and that problem is just about gone.
IF you take care of it it will last a LONG time.J

Frank Acampora

Supreme Mariner
Jan 19, 2007
Re: Are chrysler outboard good quality?

Interesting thing! Most people refer to Good Quality or high quality or low quality. HOWEVER The basic definition of quality is : Does the product do what it was designed to do? Good quality or high quality is like saying tuna fish--redundant--tuna is a fish. I want a TUNA sandwich. A product either has quality or does not.

SO: Chrysler outboard engines were continued by Chrysler after being bought from West Bend as a "Marque" or entry into the marine outboard market. They were relatively low priced, and ran well so the average joe could get into boating. Using this criterion and the above definition, Chrysler engines were quality built.

Now, if I paid more money for a Merc or Evinrude and it was as simple as a Chrysler engine, then I would say quality was lacking in those engines. Because, quality does not depend upon price. It is price versus value.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Mar 5, 2008
Re: Are chrysler outboard good quality?

good quality bad quality,as far as a chrysler goes its a moot point this day and goes the dinosour goes the chrysler....great motors in their time,(werent we all) simple,reliable but the fact is you cant get parts anymore......yeah i know carb kits, points,and most of the ign. stuff thanks to cdi but theserious stuff....gears,bearings, shafts and the like are just not out there....force is slowly following suit ,but than again .....arent we all?