AQ151C Success!


Mar 22, 2010
I mistakenly called it an AQ131C in a post a couple of weeks ago.

After the 3rd reading, the tune up and troubleshooting stickys started to stick. and my tests indicated a part or two had failed in the ignition system.

New coil. No fire, (even though the best shop in town told me the old one was not firing). New points, rotor. No fire. New condenser, fire!

I set the points gap with my handy new gauge, and it idles nicely. Has a hesitation taking off from a standstill. Waiting for a guy to come with a dwell meter, (which strangely you cannot buy in a nearby city of 100K), and a timing light.

Thanks to Don S, Captmello, and Brucetafer for helping out. This is a fabulous resource for the guy who needs to keep an old boat running on his own. I'll be sure to continue to order all my stuff from iboats!

If anyone wants to comment on what type of dwell meter I should buy online, please feel free. I have seen some vintage ones that look great. Not sure if a newer style is better? Can't find one on iboats. Plenty on ebay.

Thanks again!