Just checking before picking up a standard water pump kit for an MR drive. Are there any new materials that can withstand long periods of inactivity? It is ridiculous that you 'need' to change this so frequently with so few hours on it.
... still....
If you want it to last longer, use it more... I'm serious.. It not using a boat that kills it; it's not using a boat that kills it....
I've seen engines that get used once a year at Christmas, that look like just came out of the box, but they have to be thrown on the scrap heap (too much corrosion damage inside), and engines that belong to fishing companies that look like a bad nightmare but run like a Swiss watch....
And I change the impeller in my Gen II about the same frequency, and it's not puny.....
Just one question Boomy... If the stringer was SOOOOO good, why aren't there any around today???