Anyone know of Vanguard Barretta Canadian made?


Aug 10, 2004
Hi guys nooB here my first post. Nice forum I have found all my engine answers without needing to post but I searched quite a bit and came up with nothing about Vanguard boats. I have an 87 Vanguard Barretta 16' with a 115 Evinrude and have been giving it the once over and have discovered a soft transom and I am now a little worried. I am capable and willing to fix it but would rather not waste my time if the boat is generally considered to be lousy quality. So far I have not been overly impressed with what I have had to fix. The seats were made from spruce sheeting with plated steel hinges and plated steel screws so you can imagine the condition. The vinyl and foam is still excellent however so I am redoing the wood with fir and stainless hardware and sealing up the wood. The motor well drain plugs had become sun weakened and broke off so I bought slightly larger ones and when I drilled out the transom... wet soft wood... this is what has me most worried. I am capable of fixing it but I am having second thoughts as to whether or not its worth it as I have no idea of the stringers condition so I am wondering if anyone else has experience with these boats and how you feel about the quality as this will likely sway my opinion to "abondon ship" and buy another or continue to fix what I have. Thanks guys.


Apr 8, 2003
Re: Anyone know of Vanguard Barretta Canadian made?

I don't know the Barretta, or owned a Vanguard myself, but that was a really popular brand in these parts in the 70 - 80's. My family looked at a used "VIP" model as an entry level boat in the 70's. Ended up buying another boat. There were a couple of Vanguard "Thunderball" boats on the lake we frequented back then. Were nice for skiing behind (small wakes). Vanguard also made a trihull that was popular too... funky in that the walk-through part of the windshield was in front of the passenger seat, not in the middle.<br /><br />I don't think they had a reputation as being an especially cheap/cruddy boat or anything like that. My guess is the condition of your boat is more a product of being exposed to the elements for years rather being of particularly poor initial quality. Any wood/fiberglass boat will go soft if it's allowed to get & stay wet. Cheap hardware is abundant on most/all boats of that era - at least those sold in these parts.<br /><br />Having said that, transom replacement etc. sounds like a big job (haven't done it myself). My ski boat is going a bit soft now, and I'm probably looking at doing a rebuild of it (floor & stringers) some time in the next year or so. <br /><br />Motors are expensive, so that's why it might be worth fixing up the boat and then having something to keep that is good and will give years of service.<br /><br />Not much advice I know, but at least I've heard of "Vanguards"!<br /><br />Brent


Aug 10, 2004
Re: Anyone know of Vanguard Barretta Canadian made?

Thanks BF. I believe Vanguards were made in Winnepeg so that would explain the popularity in your area. I am near Barrie Ontario. Anyways I heard that Vanguard is now Silverline built by the same company but I can't confirm whether that is true. I have done some considerable searching re the transom since I first posted and its not as bad as I first thought as I have since done the hammer check. Just a couple of spots but the area around the engine mounts seems good aside from directly below the motor well drain holes but it has dried out completely on one side and the other is only a tad "moist" now. I think it was mainly wet from the water i was using to wet sand the area before polishing as the gel coat was quite faded. Remarkable shine now though wow I don't think it was this shiny when new :) <br /><br /> I have removed the engine mount bolts and the tie down hooks and will be resealing with 3M5200 in an effort to stop any more water from getting in. Thats why I am here now as the boat is in my shop and web access is here at home.<br /><br /> The one great thing I can say about this boat is man is it fast!!! I bought the motor one year old in 84 from a friend off his 16" Sidewinder and it is WAY faster on mine than his. In fact his 140 replacement was slower than mine with his "old" 115 :cool: Anyone else out there have anything to say about Vanguard?


Supreme Mariner
May 24, 2004
Re: Anyone know of Vanguard Barretta Canadian made?

There were lots of vanguards out here too. The Banshee( a Glastron GT150 flip ) was especially popular. The later models had better graphics than the earlier ones. Basic hull construction was solid more often built with more glass than nescessary. I thought Invader was now built at the old Vanguard plant.


Aug 10, 2004
Re: Anyone know of Vanguard Barretta Canadian made?

Mine is an 87 and it looks okay other than the squared windshield dating it a tad. It has the low side style that so few new boats have but its still not a bad looking boat. <br /><br /> An update on the transom. I have since given the "full inspection" treatment and found that the water in the transom was drying out and I removed all the bolts that hold the motor on and the tie down eyes and found the wood to be dry and solid in all of those locations and when I do the "hammer test" from the inside of the boat the transom sounds very solid indeed so I am relieved to say the least. I have "flip flopped" my opinion on the overall build quality too as I find that all of the hull construction appears to be very solid and well glassed in. The seats were really the only poor quality item I have found so a small bummer but I am well on the way to having them rebuilt. Thanks for the replies guys anyone else have info on Vanguards?


Aug 10, 2004
Re: Anyone know of Vanguard Barretta Canadian made?

Well after some Google searching and dealer visiting I confirmed that Vanguard is now Silverline boats. Used to be called Vanguard Excell boats back in the day. From what the dealers round here say they are a very well made boat so lucky me eh? The price was amazing too which is why we bought it. Anyways thanks again for the replies :)