Anyone have a picture of the "primary pickup cam" for a 1976 Merc 850?


Sep 28, 2017

I just purchased an actual service manual from ebay for my 76 Merc 850. It's taking a while to get here, so I'm working off of another manual I found on the internet to set my idle timing.

This manual says that the primary pickup timing should be between 2BTDC - 2 ATDC.

In order to set this timing it says with the engine in forward gear and running at idle speed, move the throttle lever until the primary pickup cam just touches the primary pickup on the carburetor cluster. The photo they have of what is what is too dark.

I just basically put the boat in forward gear, and adjusted the timing to 0 TDC, and it seems to run well. I see two cams, but one of the cams is always touching one of the two pickups on the top of the carb cluster, so I'm not really sure what this means.

Does anyone have a picture that would explain this? I'm a little dense, and need pictures or videos. :D

Thanks in 2 ATDC. :D



Supreme Mariner
Dec 28, 2013
??----Note you do NOT set idle timing.-----Primary pick-up timing is where throttle plates OPEN and it is a linkage adjustment.-----Where the timing is at slowest idle does not matter !!----The further retarded it is means the engine is still in good shape.