Re: Anybody pulling two trailers?
Mike, not to omitt Martyscher from the original question, I'll answer yours and perhaps help him in the process. I pull a Champion bass boat, 18', with a Johnson 150 hp on a single axle trailer. The weights I'm not sure about. The trailer is <br />800 lbs., according to title. The max weight for the boat is 1335, includes people, motor, and gear. I'm guessing about 1200 lbs.. Total est. around 2100 lbs. The 5th wheel weighs (loaded), about 5500 lbs. with a GVW of 7500 lbs. I carry what I won't in both 5th wheel and boat and never had any kind of problem. I do inspect everything carefully, keep tires properly inflated, and installed shocks on the camper, which certainly helped. The 5th wheel has good electric brakes on all 4 wheels and the boat has no brakes, which has never been a problem. The suject of moving weight around, as you suggest is not a factor with me. I pull this rig on about 30 trips a year and some are 1000 mile round trips each. I'm an avid bass fisherman, wheather it's social or for bucks. At first I was hesitant about pulling this train, but now I'm extremely comfortable with it and have been so for many years. Lots of little tricks I've leaned over the years in doing this, so if I can be of any help with someone wanting to try this, I'll try my best.