Any mail carriers/postmasters?

Kenneth Brown

Feb 3, 2003
Looking into this field. I sent off to sit for the exam yesterday. I was wondering what you thought of your job and what I can expect.


Jun 20, 2003
Re: Any mail carriers/postmasters?

I've been a carrier for 10 years. On the street delivering mail is OK, if a bit boring at times. Weather can be a factor, but I live in California so not a problem.In the office the supervisors are pressured from above to push the carriers. It can get tense, especially if you're new. The "myth" about lazy govt. workers does not apply in my office. We are accountable for every minute of our time. If I tried to describe how we are timed, monitored, measured, spied on, etc. you wouldn't believe me. Sometimes there is forced overtime, even mandated to work your days off. Enough of the bad(even though there's more). Pay is OK, especially for Donie, Texas. I'm in S.F.Bay Area so it doesn't go far. Benefits are pretty good. Generally I like my job, but if I was a younger guy I would look elsewhere. If you need a job and can put up with some BS, go for it. Ask your own carrier how his office is. That might help.

Kenneth Brown

Feb 3, 2003
Re: Any mail carriers/postmasters?

Thanks Rick. I've got 11 years in now with the Texas prison system. At 10 I was vested. I still have to wait till I'm 50 to retire(I'm 31 now) and 19 more years in the pen just doesn't sound good to me. If I left the state now I still have enough time to draw a federal retirement too. I'd have both checks coming in at 55. The start pay is about what I make now so it shouldn't be too bad financially. The BS factor- Used to it. Deal with way to many AA's (athoritive arseholes) already so that will be nothing new either.


Chief Petty Officer
Nov 15, 2004
Re: Any mail carriers/postmasters?

KB, from your post I'm not sure if your a prison guard or an inmate. Especially, since given what I see going on these days, I wouldn't put it past the judicial system to be giving inmates retirement benefits now. ;)

Kenneth Brown

Feb 3, 2003
Re: Any mail carriers/postmasters?

Originally posted by willamettejeff:<br /> KB, from your post I'm not sure if your a prison guard or an inmate. Especially, since given what I see going on these days, I wouldn't put it past the judicial system to be giving inmates retirement benefits now. ;)
And that is exactly the reason that I think I need to move on Jeff.