Re: Any info on Chrysler Marine 80?
69seabreeze said:
Joke will be on all of you when I'm out on the water with my 69 marine 80.
Trust us...... NO...... No you won't be..... not in that junker.
You essentially paid 52 bucks for something that should have cost the original owner a few hundered to dispose of.
Here's what i'd do with that thing.....
1rst.... pull the winshield, motor and drive. Remove all the electrical and the fuel tank
2nd.... get your favorite sawzall and slice the thing right down the middle.... from stem to stern.
3rd.... Remove all the wood and all the junk...... give the inside of it a light sand and then spray it all down with rubberized undercoating.
4th..... if you got the room in your basement.... bolt the 2 halves of the transom together. Pay special attention to try and get the seams to match (they won't though, not on a boat that old, but still do your best, you should be able to bondo match the seam with some sucess)
5th..... build a frame so the thing will stand upright and won't fall over.
6th..... on the inside of it..... build some shelves.... 2 or 3.... whatever fits well.
7th..... on top get some plywood and cut it to fit over the entire thing. Stain with your favorite color. use some select pine trimming to trim out the edges so you don't see the ply. Apply many many coats of polyurethane, varnish... or whatever floats your........ hehe... boat.
8...... reattach the winshield
9.......... get some nautical stuff.... a few lobster buoys.... a ships wheel.... maybe some old rope and decorate the outside of it. Nothing to crazy.... most of it can probably be had at peir 1 imports or christmastree shops for cheap.
10........ get come brass piping and make a border around the bottom of the boat...... about 1 foot off the ground.
11....... add a sink and some cool christmass lights!!!! The ones that dance are neat-o!!!
12....... Get some stools..... You know have the worlds first BOATBAR in your basement!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
13.... If your really lucky you may be able to get 10 bucks in scrap for steel on the engine block.... and 20 bucks in scrap aluminum for the drive and transom plates. Wooohoooo!!!!!! think of all the wood you could buy for the BOATBAR with 30 FREE BUCKS!!!!
14...... Ya have to admit.... a boatbar would be pretty freakin cool in your basement!!!!!