Another Ox66 Oil Transfer Troubleshoot


Jun 12, 2009
2001 250ox66 - Got a three indicator alarm the other day and went into guardian mode. Oil was low in motor tank, transfer switch works so I filled tank and alarm went away, I did a continuity test on the remote tank oil gauge sensor and it is working properly, float up and I have continuity, float down and I dont, I did a continuity test on the lead wire from remote tank to motor and everything is connected.

Can a bad motor tank oil gauge sensor cause the oil not to transfer? I did not test it because I replaced it with one I had from the other motor that I believe is good (it turned out to be a corroded wire on the other motor) I have not run the boat long enough to know if it is working now.

Assuming I still have a issue, anything else I can test or does this lead to a bad ECU? Any grounds I can check ?
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