Tomorrow I bite the bullet and order my OMC type 400 control cables for the Texas Maid restoration project. I took my Johnson Shipmaster dual outboard control apart this evening, cleaned and oiled it nicely and then proceeded to do the same with the ends that came with it. Each end/connector has a brass barrel with a small hole through the middle and threaded at each end with a small screw. Noticed that one screw on each barrel doesn't thread/seat all the way down...bottoms out just as the tip is visible through the hole in the middle of the barrel. The other screw on each barrel does bottom out, goes down far enough to block the hole and seat on the other screw tip. I'm guessing the cable end goes through the hole and the screw that bottoms out secures the cable end against the screw that doesn't bottom out (acts like a base/anchor). Is this assumption correct? If so, which end/screw should project from the top of the cable tip/holder? I'm guessing it's the one that bottoms out. Sorry if my terminology is wrong...this will be my first time affixing control cables to vintage outboards and with cable prices being what they are, don't want to bugger anything up. Any tips/input/instructions would be greatly appreciated.