Another control cable question


Rear Admiral
Aug 29, 2001
Tomorrow I bite the bullet and order my OMC type 400 control cables for the Texas Maid restoration project. I took my Johnson Shipmaster dual outboard control apart this evening, cleaned and oiled it nicely and then proceeded to do the same with the ends that came with it. Each end/connector has a brass barrel with a small hole through the middle and threaded at each end with a small screw. Noticed that one screw on each barrel doesn't thread/seat all the way down...bottoms out just as the tip is visible through the hole in the middle of the barrel. The other screw on each barrel does bottom out, goes down far enough to block the hole and seat on the other screw tip. I'm guessing the cable end goes through the hole and the screw that bottoms out secures the cable end against the screw that doesn't bottom out (acts like a base/anchor). Is this assumption correct? If so, which end/screw should project from the top of the cable tip/holder? I'm guessing it's the one that bottoms out. Sorry if my terminology is wrong...this will be my first time affixing control cables to vintage outboards and with cable prices being what they are, don't want to bugger anything up. Any tips/input/instructions would be greatly appreciated.


Supreme Mariner
Dec 20, 2005
Re: Another control cable question

Doesn't make sense to me that you would want to stop the cable in the barrel. Would think that you would allow the cable to protrude slightly through end of barrel and use 2 screws to secure. 2 screws being more reliable than one.

The cable does push and pull and when pushing one might think that what you said would be true. But how about when pulling?

Best I can do. Been a long time since I saw an OMC cable.



Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Nov 11, 2005
Re: Another control cable question

one screw is the base, even with the hole, the longer one is the clamping screw. get it thight, but not tight enough to cut the cable. if i remember correct the cable will bottom out when in the connector, when you push it thru the barrel clamp. will look at one in the morning.


Feb 11, 2008
Re: Another control cable question

new to this site and still trying to find my way around. are the steering cables in reference cause i just purchased a skeeter with a 150 merc that has been sitting about 1 year and it is very hard to turn the steering wheel from side to side. i was told by some that i could clean and lub best as i could and it would free with use. was told by some i was wasting time, just replace steering cables. any advice


Rear Admiral
Aug 29, 2001
Re: Another control cable question

Hey bamawain, welcome to the Iboats forum. It's best to register and then post your question as a separate thread/topic. You'll get better/quicker response that way from all the good folks who post to this board/forum.
Wanted to share this diagram on installing the pre-79 OMC shift/throttle cables, provided by the fine gents on the AOMCI board. Thanks to all who answer my posts...otherwise I would have given up long ago. Here's the diagram:


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