Re: Annoying Honda Problem,
Okay Kellaig. Now we know a little more. <br />35 degrees Celsius? Up here it has been -19 today. This summer we had a heat wave for 8-10 weeks. Temperatures around 30. Then back to normal 22-25. Okay I'm getting there. I have had Hondas 45-50 hp since 1991 and never had any problems at all. So I'm no Honda expert at all. <br /><br />What came to my mind was
vapor lock . I searched this section and found other members suggesting that as a possible cause. But it never was.<br /><br />Check this:<br />"What may be happening is that the fuel in the bowl,carb or fuel line is becoming overheated, almost boiling=vapor lock or no solid fuel,after you let engine sit awhile, fuel returns to liquid state and engine will re-start.I learned that from Bombardier hotline, my 99 Johnson 60hp does it(won't immediately restart after running it for awhile) You'll need to reroute fuel line or have dealer check for TSB's on that engine for a fix." <br /><br />What do you think? My fuel line isn't exposed to the sun all the way, but my primer bulb is. No problem last summer. Starts immediately even after a 10, 20, 30 minute break.<br /><br />I was also thinking, as 35 degrees is quite normal where you live, why your dealer didn't suggest this as one possibility? Check with him.<br /><br />My suggestion is to reroute the fuel line, cover the bulb, remove the cowling next time. Let some breeze in there. Don't drop it in deep water $$$$... <br /><br />So, you have the plastic tank too? Mine is like a ballon if I close the vent screw when I take a breake for a swim and a beer. Also if I stop for fuel (cold fuel) a hot day. Better not fill to the top. Fuel expands when it gets warmer. I guess you knew all that. But the teenagers at the marina doesn't. So I have to tell them four times a week
<br /><br />Long post - short message: vapor lock. <br />Any other suggestions anyone?<br /><br />Good luck!
<br /><br />Regards,<br />Bear