annimal rights groups


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 11, 2003
I can see the day when the annimal rights groups will turn their guns on us- claiming we are ''torturing fish for sport''.The protest industry[ for that is what it is]depends on ''fresh issues'' to keep the donation dollars flowing in, and to do that, they need new windmills to tilt at as the the stories become dated.I can see live bait being banned for starters, and once they gain a foothold, carry on from there.<br /> And- don't say it can't happen, it wasn't that long ago that trapping was a perfectly acceptable occupation, now after virtually eliminating that, they are having good success in making hunting socially unnaceptable.The tactic is always to start with just one segment, and gain a foothold first, then move onto the rest.Science and biology have nothing to do with it, either- it is based purely on emotion.<br /> And- they'll use your tax dollars to do it, too- under the guise of ''research grants'' or setting up charitable foundations making donations tax deductable.


Mar 18, 2003
Re: annimal rights groups

PETA has already campaigned against fishing claiming fish feel pain. One of their ad campaigns is a dog with a fish hook through its lip. They also say it isn't safe to eat fish and have been campaigning against commercial fishing. :rolleyes: <br />
<br /><br /> Read More..... <br />and this<br />


Vice Admiral
Feb 24, 2002
Re: annimal rights groups

Hello Guys.<br />The Peta groups are probably a bit off the far end.<br />Still it does not hurt to remember that getting caught is not as much fun as catching.<br />Cutting the barbs off the hook if you intend to catch and release, using hooks and bait that are not as easily swallowed, are things that nobody should have a problem with.<br />So let us all go fishing and let us all make sure these fish can live to fight another day!


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 11, 2003
Re: annimal rights groups

Wehave had to use barbless hooks for salmon fishing for years now so as to release coho.Thankfully those numbers have rebounded and we have a coho fishery again- albeit hatchery fish.The springs are back in good numbers providing a quality fishery.<br /> I was initially concerned that barbless would reduce the chances of boating the big springs, but in fact there has been little diferance.You just have to play them properly and not give them slack line.Plus- releasing undersized fish is much easier- less bleeding, and hopefully better survival


Supreme Mariner
Oct 30, 2002
Re: annimal rights groups

Actions like those of PETA, is the main reason why Wisconsin passed an amendment to the state constitution, to protect the right to hunt and fish.<br /><br />Also, any action that interferes with a lawful hunting or fishing activity, is illegal. Punishable by a..... treble hook in ......


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 25, 2002
Re: annimal rights groups

Originally posted by Flahthead:<br />Reading this made me think of this thread. It's one that stuck in my mind.<br /><br />;f=8;t=000959
Yea we have a law here in Kentucky that we can protect ourselves, but so far I have been lucky and not run up on any of these jokers.<br /><br />Just like all the other groups out there, they want to get attention the best way they can and this is just one of them.<br /><br />When they start messing with folks though, they are crossing the line.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 11, 2003
Re: annimal rights groups

you have to realise of course, that the reason these groups raise ''issues'' is to draw attention to themselves and keep the donation dollars coming in.Their so called ''protests'' have absolutely nothing to do with actual conservation or environmetal concerns, it's everything to do with being in the meadia spotlight.<br /> What we should be doing is lobbying government to take away their charitable status- because that is their big drawing card- donations are tax deductable.<br /> We should also check to see that none of our licence fees go in their direction- there was quite an expose not that long ago where it was disclosed these groups were actually getting government grants from the fees that hunters and fishermen were paying.<br /> There are legitimate conservation groups out there that actually do very valuable work- onelocal one is the Land Conservency group- they buy up[ at fair market value on the open market]sensitive estuaries and other key habitat land and preserve it from development.Those are the real ''environmental '' causes I am happy to support.


Vice Admiral
Feb 24, 2002
Re: annimal rights groups

Flathead you just made me realize that when Ray was around there were some real good laughs to be had.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Mar 8, 2004
Re: annimal rights groups

PETA tried to do a protest outside a seafood place in Atlantic City a couple of years ago during lunch time. They all came out to the eatery alright, but someone forgot to read the hours of operation! They don't serve lunch!!!!! Obviously the lack of fish in their diet has effected their brain developement?<br /><br />The REAL meaning of PETA:<br />People Eating Tasty Animals


Fleet Admiral
Oct 13, 2003
Re: annimal rights groups

Smithsonian magazine did a write-up on the PETA effort a few months ago. Seems their "research" consisted of injecting fish lips with bee venom then interpreting their behavior as being consistent with an animal in pain. <br /><br />Does anyone here inject their fish with poison? Ever notice how a fish's natural food (other fish) is loaded with sharp fins & gill plates - how is a hook worse than that? A hook left in the belly of a gut-hooked fish will disolve and pass thru their system in a couple days.<br /><br />Let's stay on top of this one.

mred 2436

Mar 26, 2004
Re: annimal rights groups

ratherbe : excellent subject !!! and i wonder if the morons in peta actually realize how much enviromental protection , waterways development, and fisheries improvement comes from the fisherman and boaters pockets? licenses, registrations, and useage/access fees make up the majority of those funds used to improve OUR (not their)waterways.<br /> this is one of those moments where i'd love to let them use one of my boats ( the one with no plug, low on fuel, and a major front blowing in......and dang!!! the life jackets are still in the garage!!! ) :eek:


Dec 8, 2003
Re: annimal rights groups

If PETA really wanted to do something to help the little animals out there they would buy a hunting license and contribute to conservation like the hunters do.<br /><br />PETA is nothing more then a way to get Left Wing Nuts elected for the goal of killing our Capitalist Constitution and moving America toward an enlightend Socialist Europe.<br /><br />Came and spend some time here in California and you will understand my point.<br /><br />As for fishing. WE have stripers running! God had to be a fisherman to think those up.


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: annimal rights groups

I was down on fishermans wharf in San Fran. a couple of years ago and some idiot was dressed up in a fish costume with a big sign that said "DON'T BATTER ME" :rolleyes: <br /><br />These bozo's know no limit to their self-rightousness and as long as the liberal media makes them out to be the second coming of robin hood they will continue to marginalize all hunting and fishing for any purposes... :mad: <br /><br />Oh well, tommorrow is friday and you know what all practicing catholics in Wisconsin will be doing at 5pm. I like mine broiled with lemon.. :) <br /><br />Come to think of it you know what all non-practising catholics will be doing on Saturday. UUMMM UUMMM Prime Rib-rare!!


Apr 6, 2004
Re: annimal rights groups

PETA????? I'm in Alabama. They know better than to come here we'd use 'em for bait. :p <br />They should concentrate their efforts on actually saving starving pets from unworthy owners. But its like ratherbefishin said it's all about attention and money.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 11, 2003
Re: annimal rights groups

what these wacko's either don't realise or lack the brain power to do so, is everything alive is part of the food chain,a symbiotic relationship that exists since the beginning of time.They seem to think that a fish, or annimal not eaten lives forever in some sort of Garden of Eden like existence.Even the so called''vegans'' eat animals- a drop of water seen under a microscope is teeming with life.So, where does it become acceptable, or not acceptable to eat annimals?Since when is ethics determined by size?The more you examine their theories- the less consistant they become.However- while we may laugh- they are eroding our rights to harvest and eat natural foods- deer,moose, bear, elk and fish.Weneed to demand our politicians take back their charitable status- for that is what their business[ for that is really what they are- a profit motivated business] relys on charitable status to bring the donation dollars in.If people want to suport real conservation groups-there are many legitimnate ones- foundations that actually preserve habitat, most of them founded and supported by outdoors people


Master Chief Petty Officer
Mar 17, 2003
Re: annimal rights groups

hey pointer a good fish person would of put that fish back in the water we all know thay can't live long on dry land


Vice Admiral
Feb 24, 2002
Re: annimal rights groups

Say pointer,<br />I am one of those progressive liberal democrat b-stards and I love fishing and eating steaks.Do you think we have something in common after all??


Dec 8, 2003
Re: annimal rights groups

Well reatherbefishing.<br /><br />We don't call em dumbocrats for nothing :eek:


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 2, 2003
Re: annimal rights groups

PETA=<br />People Eating Tasty Animals!<br /><br />Go to the PETA sites and order all of their free literature. Send it to everyone you know. It costs them money! :cool: