anchorage follies


Seaman Apprentice
Jul 9, 2005
Went out with some friends today and went to the local swim spot, a shallow spot on the south side of the bay where normally we can put the bow in shallow water and anchor up and wade out to the deeper channel to swim or just hang out in the shallows. well today we had an unusal north wind so everyone had to rethink there normal anchoring strategy, tha is except for the fellow in the shiny express cruiser who apparently didnt think at all. He cam in and turned his bow up into the wind and put it in reverse, so far so good, but that was the last smart thing he did. He was going really fast astern and I didnt think his windlass would hold him at that speed, then it became apparent he wasnt going to drop the anchor in time, so i pointed him out to my buddy just in time for both of us to see him find the bottom, the boat stopped so fast his wife almost went off the back end. he then pulled out to try again, this time he was backing slower so it wasnt as much of a jolt when he hit bottom again. he pulled up a little bit and then rigged an anchor off his stern and got in the watewer for a swim, he looked genuinely surprised when his boat swung around on the anchor to point the same way as the other 15 boats anchored in the area. so he got someone to help him push the bow back atround to where it started, and seemed even more shocked when it came right back around on him. the second time they pushed it back they finally lowered the bow anchor, but then a little while later that was up and he was repositioning again, must have been an hour before he finally got the boat to stay put.


Lieutenant Commander
Oct 18, 2003
Re: anchorage follies

Boats and brains, some people have one but not the other! :D