this is probally a dumb question but i will ask anyway i just bought a new anchor the old had no chain on it this one i bought a chain the question is does the rope hook to the chain or does the chain just flow freely and no rope hooked to it?
What's dat? Many Danforth type only have an eye at the end?<br /><br />Timmy, You will love having some chain. Makes all of the difference in the world.
My danforth has a ring that runs down the leanght of the shaft. If Anchor is wedged real good you swing your boat around and start pulling from the other direction and the ring backs the anchor out.
chain also takes some of the "shock" out of being anchored in a "chop". (you have better luck staying in one place, not dragging the anchor, and it won't jerk the boat around near as bad as just a rope).<br />Although, sure need to remember to wind er up before taking off....chains can be rough on a lower unit.
The chain serves two purposes:<br /><br />1. It protects the rope from rubbing on rocks and breaking<br />2. When you drop anchor, the chain will lead the anchor helping the anchor to go down the right way and grip bottom better.<br /><br />Tx.<br /><br />joe