American Poolplayer's Assoc.


Chief Petty Officer
Feb 13, 2002
Was wondering if anybody else on this board play's pool on the A.P.A. I have not been on the water in almost a month because of pool. I spent the whole weekend playing in a Challange of Champions tournmanet which included 130 teams out of around 800. My team was fortunate enough to qualify for this tourny and out of the 130 teams we finished 3rd. We are scheduled to play the next tourny which is called Citywide which consists of 36 teams of which 12 will go on to play for the grand prize in Las Vegas. There will be teams from every state at this event, so maybe someone from this board will be there. Even though I am thrilled about this, I am losing alot of valuable fishing time. Thank god I am on my way up to N Minn. this Friday for a week of fishing.