After taking last weekend off, my son and I were back on the water this Sat & Sun. If you have seen some of my other posts, we are primarily smallie and walleye fisherman. We jig fish using 8lb XT. We did very well with the walleyes and also got a few big fat smallies. We took 3rd in a small bragging rights contest, on Sunday.<br /><br />On Saturday we landed one 33" muskie. On Sunday we had a truely amazing day! Five muskies over 30"!! I know, a 30" is just a keeper in NY, but remember jigs and 8lb test! Four were 33-35". One which is now my personnel best, was about 37" (tape ended at 36") and weighed almost 17lb. Big bellie! I can't begin to count how many loops around the boat, all these muskies did. Also caught a 27" northern, which would be a nice fish on any other day. We only lost one small muskie, and possibly another (we never got it close enough to see). <br /><br />For now, I have to go nurse my sandpaper hands. We burned up the rest of our film roll. Should have the pictures up on, by mid-week. <br /><br /> ...a smile for every muskie!