Am I getting a fair repair bill?


Jun 2, 2002
Hello, I just purchased my first boat last week. Its a 1996 ThunderCraft Typhoon Jet boat 12' or so, seats 4 or 550 lbs. When I bought the boat the motor wasn't running so I took it into a local reapir shop, the motor is a mercury oil injected 120 HP engine but I was told its a "Force" motor. I am being charged over $500.00 for a switch box, I was told it was like the brain of the motor. It is $250.00 for the switch box and 5 hours labor to install it, does this seem fair?


Apr 14, 2002
Re: Am I getting a fair repair bill?

Well what does the motor say on the cowl first off? Is it a Mercury Or a Force? They are made by the same company for while but totaly different powerheads and upper cowls. Earlier Force motors even had different lower units. And, are you talking about the throttle shift lever quadrant? Is it a jet drive? Details please.


Jun 2, 2002
Re: Am I getting a fair repair bill?

Its a 1996 Typhoon. The motor says Mercury on the top 120 Oil Injected but the mechanic said it was a Force motor. It is Jet drive, I was just told it needed a switch box. When I asked the woman that worked there she said it controls the motor sort of like a car ECU I suppose, then again I never trust what a woman tells me when it comes to mechanical repairs so I really dont know for sure what this switch box does only it is costing me $550.00 for the part with $250.00 of that coming from Labor.


Apr 14, 2002
Re: Am I getting a fair repair bill?

Ever heard of the old saying "...if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, looks like a duck, it must be a duck". Parts sound kinda out of line but I still don't know what engine model you have other than a Mercury or possibly a Force 120 hp jet.....How about serial number? That would tell me everything that you need to know. a little more concise if you can about the parts and serial number of the outboard. Serial number is located on the main support clamp, on the casting that the main verticle pivot pin goes thru or on the uper part of the clamp that holds the whole outboard on the transom. What does your bill say on it? Did they give you the old part back, can you visably notice where the work was done or parts changed? We can't help you unless your a little more consise. With the serial number we can look up the exact full jack retail price of the part and give you an almost exact discount price from certain Merc dealers also. Serial Number:____________ :cool:


Jun 2, 2002
Re: Am I getting a fair repair bill?

Ok, thank you for your help here. I dont have the boat here as its in the repair shop so what I posted is really all I know from memory. I did however pull a search and found this post, it sounds like my exact motor and he does mention a "switch box" too. I will get my boat back and post al the info you are requesting, again thanks for your time here.<br /><br />;f=17;t=001645 <br /><br />By Ricklonewolf (Ricklonewolf) on Monday, June 25, 2001 - 06:52 am: Edit <br /><br />just funny that i am reading this article.have the same problem with a 1994 force engin120hp.never had a problem with my engine ;one day on the water started given me trouble won't idle;stall start;stall start;once got into gear no problem ran good;thought I had bad winter gas.know 2 cylinders are dead running on 3@4 only.change the switchbox; still same problem;it was the stator; force had tha same problem from 1992 - 1997, the thing i can't understand is what the regulator have to be change forif it is working fine.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jan 31, 2002
Re: Am I getting a fair repair bill?

Here is the scoop. Mercury owns(ed) Force and used the Force motors on their jet drive boats. Mercury has never made a 120hp motor. It is a Force powerhead. Mercury put their name on it (Why I don't know). That price is about what it would cost here in the Puget Sound area.<br /><br />Hope this helps.<br /><br />Craig