Alternator output


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Feb 4, 2003
According to my manual, my Honda 90 puts out 16 amps. I assume this is at high RPM. My question is: does anyone know approx. what kind of output I get at trolling speed (2000-3000 RPM)


Petty Officer 1st Class
Feb 1, 2004
Re: Alternator output

Howzit,<br />The BF90 has a rectifier/regulator unit. The regulator, when working properly, will monitor and keep constant the output voltage from the rectifier. The amount of current (amps) that is driven by the voltage is dependent on the load which is the charge state of the battery and any other electrical stuff you have on. As long as the load is less than the max rating of your alternator you're OK; if the load is greater, then you'll discharge your battery. So, to answer your original question, the amps put out at any rpm will vary and is more dependent on the load on the alternator than the rpm, but no big thing 'cause unless you've got too many electrical things running, the amps will always be enough. Leave some fish for me :) .


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Feb 4, 2003
Re: Alternator output

Mahalo pchonda. <br />The load on the alternator is probably minimal.<br /><br />Bow light on my Boston Whaler is 10W./.83 amps.<br />Anchor light is 15W./1.25 amps.<br />My VHF draws .5 amp if it's quiet, 1.5A if someone else is talking, 6A if I'm talking. Usually it's quiet, so say .6A average.<br />My GPS pulls 4W/.33A.<br /><br />That's 3A worst case (night, everything going).<br /><br />So I guess I'm safe. <br /><br />ps. there's lots of fish here for both of us :)