Alright.. I stooped (Admission of Guilt)


Jul 19, 2004
You guys and gals may remember a while back I was considering moving "home." Well, after a lot of discussion with my lovely bride we decided I should put my resume out on the market to see what kind of a response I got.<br /><br />I put it on a few of the major sites, monster, carreerbuilder and Dice. Well, turns out my old boss at my former employer (who is a Technical recruiter) ran across my resume after it was on He then turned around, called my current boss and told him <br /><br />"Hey, just so you know, Sean is planning on quitting, leaving you hanging, and moving to Green Bay. Want to hire my company to do your network consulting work?"<br /><br />My current boss asked me about it - and I had to reassure him I was NEVER planning on leaving them hanging, which to be honest I never would. My current employer is a great organization and I couldn't live with myself if I did do that to them because they are great to my wife and I.<br /><br />Well, after reassuring my current boss (who wasn't worried in the first place) I was FUMING at my former employer. Words could not even begin to describe the amount of rage I hold for my old boss. I mean the quality of character of this guy is shady to begin with - the final reason I ended up quitting my job when I worked for him. But I never thought he would stoop to this level. What an arrogant, egotistical, assinine thing to do.<br /><br />It just so happens that my former boss is in the same building I work in right now. I know, weird, but I've learned to deal with it for the past 2.5 years. I found out through the grapevine that he is planning on building a new building kiddy-corner to our building right now and is planning on moving to that building upon it's completion. Well, I also happen to do computer consulting work for the Real Estat Management company that manges the building. I "let it slip" that he is planning on building a building and stiffing the management company on office space. <br /><br />So, I know I stooped to his level. But I NEEDED to do something to eliminate my rage. It was eating at me. I hate the b@stard so much it's unbelievable.<br /><br />Sean


Aug 14, 2004
Re: Alright.. I stooped (Admission of Guilt)

Send him a Trojan... and i don't mean condom! :D

Vlad D Impeller

Mar 30, 2005
Re: Alright.. I stooped (Admission of Guilt)

Originally posted by KaGee:<br /> Send him a Trojan... and i don't mean condom! :D
Send him both, one he can stick his head into :D


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Alright.. I stooped (Admission of Guilt)

Whatsoever ye soweth, so shall ye reap.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: Alright.. I stooped (Admission of Guilt)

Man, that really stinks. I think it is good that revenge bothers you, but your old boss sounds like a real jerk and he deserved it. The thing that cracks me up is that the knucklehead thinks that is an appropriate sales approach. What a self serving MoFo.


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 29, 2003
Re: Alright.. I stooped (Admission of Guilt)

get over it EE....this is how it is in the real world. People stick it to others to a degree to exist professionally. <br /><br />You start playing the knifing political deal "I let it slip" that he is planning on building a building and stiffing the management company on office space." it will bite you. And you are dealing the same political cards you claim to dislike.<br /><br />Just my 2 cents.


Jul 19, 2004
Re: Alright.. I stooped (Admission of Guilt)

Good advice PJC... I'm not messing with it anymore. I've decided I'm done with him now...<br /><br />Sean


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 14, 2005
Re: Alright.. I stooped (Admission of Guilt)

EE, go to Farm and Fleet and get a bottle of skunk scent and pour it on his tire tread. He'll think he ran over a skunk.


Lieutenant Commander
Oct 18, 2003
Re: Alright.. I stooped (Admission of Guilt)

Get a fish and strap it to his exhaust pipe using bailing wire :D :D


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 29, 2003
Re: Alright.. I stooped (Admission of Guilt)

LOL wb59 & Stan :)


Rear Admiral
May 29, 2004
Re: Alright.. I stooped (Admission of Guilt)

By putting your resume on those websites, you essentially were making it public that you were job seeking. <br /><br />Instead of your old boss finding it, it could have been your present boss. Same result.<br /><br />Since your old employer is a headhunter, sounds like your old boss was just pursuing a possible sales lead. You put some of the conversation in quotes as if you were privy to the conversation. It might not have gone as you presume.<br /><br />Nevertheless, what you did went beyond that. I know it made you feel better. Lots of things feel good, but aren't good. You were being vindictive, and that's not a good character trait.


Jul 19, 2004
Re: Alright.. I stooped (Admission of Guilt)

LOL @ WB<br /><br /><br />BB - My old boss was not pursuing a possible sales lead, rather it was a personal attack on me. Given the history between my current boss and my old boss there is no way that my current boss would EVER even consider hiring my old boss on again. In fact there is a larger chance that I would accept a job with my old employer (HAHAHA I find that humerous) before my current boss would hire on my old employer to manage the computer system. My current boss is well aware of the scummy nature of my old boss as he has experienced it himself. My old boss KNOWS this which indicates to me the only reason he called my current boss is because he wanted to "get back at me" for leaving his company 3 years ago.<br /><br />Also, I know the technological knowledge of my current employer. I'm not saying that he couldn't have, but he wouldn't have found my resume online unless some a**hole told him about it.<br /><br />Was I vindictive? Yes, I know I was. And I am aware that it isn't a good character trait. In fact, this is the first time I've ever done anything like this before. It's just that my old boss bad mouthed me when I left, he spread rumors about my integrity, and now he gets off on trying to screw with my life just to appease his ego. How many times do you get punched in the face before you fight back?<br /><br />As far as I'm concerned he can rot in h*ll.<br /><br />Sean


Jul 19, 2004
Re: Alright.. I stooped (Admission of Guilt)

Man don't gossip's suck,probably why your boss came to talk to you.Forget the A hole and move on with your life,be a bigger man and don't get caught up in foolish games as they never seem to end,they make you look as being the same small level as the A hole and not a good thing to have following around you in professional carreers


Jul 19, 2004
Re: Alright.. I stooped (Admission of Guilt)

Yeah... as far as I'm concerned he doesn't exist anymore.


Master Chief Petty Officer
Jul 4, 2004
Re: Alright.. I stooped (Admission of Guilt)

Why did you put your resume online in the first place if you weren't looking to leave your current job?<br /><br />What he did was despicable, and very unscrupulous. If he knew your character was what you say it is, then what he did was very dishonest. I am not questioning your character. I have no reason to.<br /><br />What you did may very well be vindictive and stopping ot his level, but I think it was different than what he did. So ling as you have facts that your old boss is doing what you assert he is doing, you are relaying truth. You were utilizing integrity and compassion to the real-estate management comapany (which you do not have any loyalty to) when you gave them advance notice of their tennants intentions. You were wrong to do it to "get-even", but you were protecting their interest with no expectation of a personal gain. He might say he was doing the same by alerting your employer, but he was expecting personal gain. That is the difference as I see it.<br /><br />Good for you to experience and acknowledge the disgust of revenge. That unpleasant feeling will help to keep you in check in the future.<br /><br />Good luck in whatever situation has you contemplating moving back home, and listing your resume online.


Aug 24, 2004
Re: Alright.. I stooped (Admission of Guilt)

Don't put anything on the web that you don't want someone to see. The job listing sites have turned into a way to track your present employees actions.