Alpha One and Gear Lube


May 11, 2010
I had to change the gear lube on my 1994 Davant(5.o lx alpha one)i. The orginal gear lube is cream and not mercury. Can I mix the two?Ii've purchased mercury gear lube already and have no idea what the other brand is. I can clean out the reservoir but can't think of a good way to flush this out of the internal parts. Any info would be awesome thanks.

Justin Hafner
Mar 22, 2010
Re: Alpha One and Gear Lube

If you bought the High Performance Mercury lube (synthetic, I believe), it states right on the bottle not to mix with the Premium lube (non-synthetic, I believe). So I would guess it shouldn't be mixed. But if it's already completely drained, there shouldn't be enough in there to cause problems.

In my experience the Merc stuff has emulsifiers that encapsulate the water better so if you do get a little water in the drive, it protects better. I'm not sure about other lubes.

But you shouldn't have water in the drive anyhow.:)

Maybe try flushing the drive by spraying a little brake cleaner in the lower drain hole, or change it, then run it for a little while then change it again?

The High Performance Merc lube is only 10.95 a quart at Wally World.
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