Alpha 1 milkshake oil


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Sep 15, 2010
Today I went to help a friend (the one who gave me the Sea Ray in my signature file) to get his 89 Sea Ray Sundancer 250 ready for the water. His is equipped with the original 5.7L coupled to a Alpha 0ne Gen 1 who's origins are unknown. Last summer his first with the boat he blew up the original drive, so he had the boat pulled, repairs were made and the drive on it now was installed. The boat was put back in the water, it was used sparingly for the next couple of month when it was pulled, winterized by me and shrink wrapped. I did not change the drive oil then since I figured it had only had a couple of hour on it and that is would have been fresh when the mechanic installed the drive.

I pull this very crusty looking drive off the boat as we are doing a bellows job as well, then the skies open up so we move into the garage to drain the drive and replace the water pump. This is the mess we found

I had forgotten my pressure gauge setup so I could not look for leak today, I am going back over Sunday morning to pressure test and find source to water intrusion. There was no water or gear oil in the bellows. I will report back with my finding and will most likely be looking for advice. I already sent him the link for an SEI drive LOL. I can't believe that the mechanic would install the drive with out pressure testing changing the oil and water pump. By the way the alignment was not checked and is off also. :mad: All have a great weekend.



Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
Re: Alpha 1 milkshake oil

Finding a good mechanic is very hard to find, the no good ones are everywhere.

Sorry about the news


Staff member
Jul 18, 2011
Re: Alpha 1 milkshake oil

looks like more water than oil . . . sorry to hear and see.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Sep 15, 2010
Re: Alpha 1 milkshake oil

I am looking at it this way as I told my wife I can gain some knowledge on outdrives their not that complex (unless your working on a B3 Lower) :eek: and put all the reading I have done on this and other sites to good use. Like you said bad mechanics are everywhere.

I have also recently taken apart the B1 upper on the Crusty drive that came on my Sea Ray. Although I am a little leery on getting the rolling torque right its really simple. When I was in High School many many years ago all I wanted to do was be a boat mechanic. My parents had different plans and I am glad they pushed me in another direction. Now I get to work on boats as a hobby and my good friend and boating buddy Don is right there with me. Together we will get thing righted.

BTW this is not Don's boat he has an outboard!


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Sep 15, 2010
Last Sunday we took the top off the drive and the upper bearing had some rust. So rather than go any further he decided to buy a sei drive. I heard it arrived today. So Saturday we will go install it so he can get her in the water.