Alpha 1 Manual Steering Stiff


Jul 10, 2010
Just put our 2004 Bayliner 175 back in the water after another winter on the lift. She li right up and I was all smiles until I grabbed the was 10x tighter than last season!

I looked the manual steering over and nothing is binding. I hopped on the pontoons and assisted the drive back and forth as my kids steered and started to get better. After 20 cycles left is pretty tolerable, right requires two hands.

I looked all over my manuals and boat for lube points and dont see anything. Surely there is some method to lubricate this system.

Is this likely in the cable or the drive pivot point?

Any ideas on what to try next? Swapping out the cable doesnt look too bad if that is what it takes. Are these universal parts or is that a Bayliner only item.


Bt Doctur

Supreme Mariner
Aug 29, 2004
Re: Alpha 1 Manual Steering Stiff

Have you tried greasing the guide tube


Vice Admiral
Oct 19, 2003
Re: Alpha 1 Manual Steering Stiff

Disconnect the cable from the tiller arm at the stern and see if the outdrive is stiff to move, or if the cable is still stiff. Best guess is the aluminum tube at the inner transom plate is corroded. You can pull out the cable, clean it, lube it and see if that helps.


Jul 10, 2010
Re: Alpha 1 Manual Steering Stiff

Thanks guys for the quick replies. We are heading back tot he condo in a couple weeks and will try to get this sorted out.

I will disconnect at the stern and at least eliminate one or the other. Let me review:

If I narrow to cable - then I am looking at trying to lube both ends or perhaps get the inner cable out of the casing and lube the whole thing and see if that helps. If not, I am looking at a new cable. Are there generic lengths/types etc or is this a one-off dealer sort of thing (sorry, boating newb).

If I narrow it to the outdrive - then what am I looking at? I assume there is a bushing or bearing at the pivot point. I see some excess marine grease in what appears to be the pivot point. I do not, however, see any zirc fittings. One positive is there were no squeaks or creaks...I would think that if I had metal on metal I would hear some noise.

My gut tells me it is the cable. Since left works pretty easy I assume I am "pulling" the cable and it is not too hard. I am guessing that turn right is "pushing" the cable and that is where I am binding up. Makes sense in my non-nautical mind.

If I am looking at a new cable - anyone with reputable Internet sources is greatly appreciated. I just looked and in a metro area of 1+ million people I have no Bayliner dealer. Nice. Good thing is that the boat is almost 7 years old and has not needed any parts!