Almost a Houseboat !


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Sep 6, 2005
Way back when my Dad had his first (and only boat) we took my Godparents camping for the weekend at Alamo Lake. We had a 28’ motor home and 16 ft tri-hull I/O. Dad backed the rig down the ramp, waded out to the boat and backed it off the trailer. <br /><br />My godfather was supposed to drive the motor home back up the ramp and to the campground. He gets in, puts it in gear, releases the parking break and gives it some gas. The motor home slides back 2 or three feet. He hits the breaks and stops. Puts it back into park, back into drive and hits the gas again. The motor home slides back a few more feet. <br /><br />Now Mom is running from the front to the driver’s side and back trying to get his attention to tell him to start the engine.<br /><br />Once again he takes his foot off the break and gives it a little gas, once again the motor home slides back a little further. By this time the back three feet of the motor home is in the water and the exhaust from the generator is bubbling up nicely. Finally he opens the window and Mom yells at him to start the engine. He yells back that it is running can’t you hear it. Mom tells him that is the generator. He gets this dumb look on his face, sticks his head out the window and looks back. He mutters a few chose words, starts the engine and drives off while all the rest of us are bent over laughing. <br /><br />Luckily there was nothing in the back of the motor home except the generator and holding tanks. No storage so nothing got wet.


Feb 15, 2005
Re: Almost a Houseboat !

I think I just figured out what ROTFLMAO stands for(been trying to for awhile)<br />rolling on the floor laughing my (bad word) off<br /><br />Dang I am getting smarter. I hope


Seaman Apprentice
Sep 3, 2005
Re: Almost a Houseboat !

Ok,<br /><br />Now all of my coworkers are in my workstaion to see what is so funny


Petty Officer 2nd Class
May 7, 2005
Re: Almost a Houseboat !

I was leaving the ramp sunday with a airboat running beside me and started the truck went to pull foward and slipped back i was freeaking out then figured out the truck had not started and i could not tell because of the noise lol