Alarm response(rant)


Jun 16, 2004
Why does this idiocy keep getting suggested? Do they think the criminals are going to answer the phone and admit they are breaking in when the alarm company calls? :eek: :rolleyes: <br /><br />
The new proposal would require someone to verify a break-in once the alarm is sounded.
That is just nuts. People have to pay for permits, fine them for excess false alarms or pull their permit. My city has a fine for excess alarm policy, it seems to work pretty well.


Fleet Admiral
Oct 13, 2003
Re: Alarm response(rant)

Here's (.pfd) the city hall briefing that makes the case for verified response. <br /><br />On page 1 it says "86% of the citizens and businesses without alarms are subsidizing<br />alarm response for 14% who have alarms." A blatant lie, as you will learn if you read all the way to page 13: the estimated cost in terms of police officer time ($3.8 million) is very nearly offset by alarm permit collections; a $150 false alarm fee would more than cover the shortfall.<br /><br />But would the local TV news bother to find that out and report it? Who am I kidding? That's not nearly as sensational as DALLAS POLICE TO STOP RESPONDING TO BURGLAR ALARMS!<br /><br />[BTW twidget, "verified response" means the alarm company sends a security officer to the site to verify that police are needed.]1


Lieutenant Commander
Aug 29, 2004
Re: Alarm response(rant)

Here we monitor several alarms. The ones from ADT or other companies are a load of BS. They work great, but one problem. They do call the home or business when an alarm is sounded. The first thing they ask on the phone, "your alarm is sounded signaling a break in, is everything OK?" Then we get a call to dispatch with a recording repeating an alarm and the location.<br />Business alarms they call the owner first, so in small towns who beats us there? <br /><br />We charge nothing for monitoring alarms. But after 3 false alarms a month we start charging $50 per false alarm. Places like the bank and jewelery store and pharmacy all ring straight to a board in my dispatch office. Often the bankers will leave the vault open, at 9P.M. the alarm will go. Or the cleaning people will activate it. The pharmacy they will forget to close the back door. After getting a bill they usually remember.