After cleaning my carbs from my 1999 Yamaha 30 3 cilinder i have a gasket problem. I have this problem with the carb gasket but also with the other gasket mounted at the thing that is behind the carbs (dont know the exact word in English). I have already smoothen the carbs etc. so that the surface is completly straight. I also replaced all the gaskets so that should be fine too. After rebuilding the engine runs smooth on all three cilinders. But after a short run (about half an hour) the gaskets start leaking. Causing air coming through. So the engine doesn't run fine anymore. Spraying with breakcleaner on the gaskets while engine is running has immediate effect, engine rpm increases. So it's defintly a gasket problem. The screws have been mounted at 8 nm. What can be the problem? Must I tighten the screws more or is it just a not completly staight surface? (which i doubt). It's the fifth time i dismounted everything (first time with new gaskets), but the problem keeps coming back.<br /><br />Hope somebody can help me.<br /><br />(sorry for the early reply, touched the wrong button so the whole story wasn't posted yet