A special thanks to Kenny


Seaman Apprentice
Mar 12, 2003
This maybe the wrong fourm, However, I want to let all know how much I apperiate the help to this board and to Hossken for the help in finding a motor for our boat! We drove a total of 730 miles round trip to buy our first motor. I stopped many places along the way to find out as much as I could on differnt price scales. The NADA lists motors at a really low ball, I have seen nothing that compares to their figures. I bought an 85hp Johnson 1980 as well as a new steering system steering wheel new fuel line ect. I now have all I need to get our boat out for the first time. I am sure things will pop up we will need, however I have a great motor and the eqpt. to make a safe trip in and out of the water. Kenny made a trip down to meet Trish and I at the boat shop and really showed the kinda people we have on this board!!! GREAT!!!!!!!!!! I am sorry that I didn't figure out who Kenny was till I was filling up with gas and he pulled back up to introduce himself again, Trish was getting the grub from Mc D's and we chatted for several minutes. We are both very impressed with this board. Very boat smart people with lots of info they are willing to share. Thanks to all of you!!! Thanks again Kenny for the special trip to meet us we were happy to get a chance to meet a person from the board we have come to depend on so much!!<br /><br />Thanks again, Brad Trish and Kids!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D