The Admiral has a cousin whose wife used to work in Cargo Security for a major airline in Houston.
Her story: They received a message from Arlington saying to be on the outlook for a kennel of show cats that had to be transfered to Chicago for a show. Everybody was waiting for airplane to show up. When it arrived; they rushed out to get
kennel. Opened the cargo hatch; found the kennel on its side; door open; and cats everywhere. They tried to retrieve all the cats; being bit and scratched. Got all but one; it bailed out and ran off. They had other airlines and the FD looking for this cat. (it was never found). They started getting messages wanting to verify that the transfer was made. Naturally they didn't want to respond. Messages kept coming and coming "Please verify transfer was made! Cats are to be in a show!
Owner waiting their arrival! Please advise!) They ended up messaging back explaining the circumstances. About 2 hours later they got a message saying that the it was a stray cat that showed up; had a litter; and they had been trying to catch them for weeks. Humor in the work force!
Her story: They received a message from Arlington saying to be on the outlook for a kennel of show cats that had to be transfered to Chicago for a show. Everybody was waiting for airplane to show up. When it arrived; they rushed out to get
kennel. Opened the cargo hatch; found the kennel on its side; door open; and cats everywhere. They tried to retrieve all the cats; being bit and scratched. Got all but one; it bailed out and ran off. They had other airlines and the FD looking for this cat. (it was never found). They started getting messages wanting to verify that the transfer was made. Naturally they didn't want to respond. Messages kept coming and coming "Please verify transfer was made! Cats are to be in a show!
Owner waiting their arrival! Please advise!) They ended up messaging back explaining the circumstances. About 2 hours later they got a message saying that the it was a stray cat that showed up; had a litter; and they had been trying to catch them for weeks. Humor in the work force!