A few problems


Seaman Apprentice
Apr 9, 2009
Ok I have been a bad boy nelegting my boat for over a year. The cover was destroyed by a storm and I did not get another one to replace the shreded cover.

The wife decides she wants to go out on the water today so last night I do all the prelims to make sure everything is working. Battery needs charging, check, put the muffs on check, start engine check, peeing good. I check the steering anf it is a little sticky, lub it up and it feels better.

Get to lake and lauch, go through a no wake zone into the main body of the lake. Now the fun starts. The steering not working without really pulling to the left and every once in awhile a clicking noise will happen. Next thing that happens is at wot all of a sudden we're only moving at about 5-7 mph. I put the transmission into neutral and disengage the clutch and throttle up. The engine races up with no problem. The wife says old gas, I told her I some stabil in it over a year ago, she just laughs at me. The other item is the fuel vent is sun damaged and as I was topping off gas was pouring out the vent.

So what do I need to do? Go head let me have it for nelegelting my boat. Mariner 1994 75 HP.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jun 16, 2009
Re: A few problems

When you say WOT and only going 5-7 mph is the engine revving up and no response or is it dogging when you push the lever fwd. If the engine is revving up with no response, I'd suspect a spun prop hub. The steering sounds like a bad cable.


Seaman Apprentice
Apr 9, 2009
Re: A few problems

When you say WOT and only going 5-7 mph is the engine revving up and no response or is it dogging when you push the lever fwd. If the engine is revving up with no response, I'd suspect a spun prop hub. The steering sounds like a bad cable.

No the engine is not revving up, it is justing dogging. Every once in a while it will take off and run for about 3 minuets. But it will only do this if I disengage the transmission rev it up and then re-engage the transmission, and this worked only a couple of times.


Seaman Apprentice
Apr 9, 2009
Re: A few problems

Clicking noise....from where, can you tell?

It sounds like it is coming from under the steering wheel. The boat is a CC and I can see a sort of round metal box with two large bolt heads that the cables enter into the box.