A few johnson outboard questions


Mar 18, 2002
I just finished rebuilding my first outboard and it seems to run fine. One thing im not sure of is there supposed to be water spraying out of the 2 holes on the shaft where the exhaust comes out?<br /><br />I cant seem to get the linkages hooked up right i mean its close but still needs tuned right. Do i adjust the cable from control first, then the carb cam lever, then the idle screw or what? not sure what order to do them in.<br /><br />Also how does a trim gauge hook up, mine doesnt work and i would really love to get it working again, and is there any way to test it?<br /><br />Also i have this 115hp motor on a 1981 skeeter 17 bass boat. I can only get it to 41mph, i was wondering if that is a little low or what i should expect? <br />If i trim it up i can get it to maybe hit 42 but my rmps get up to 6500+ so i dont like to do that i was wondering if i just need to keep it trimmed down or get a bigger prop.<br /><br />The prop i have on it is a 13 3/8 inch 17 pitch SS prop. I also tried a 13" 19 pitch aluminum prop but i couldnt notice any top end gain, and seemed to take longer to plane out. so i put the SS one back on. maybe 41 is what its supposed to run at =), its good with me i just want to make sure the motor is running right.<br /><br />Thanks<br />Koltar


Supreme Mariner
Feb 4, 2001
Re: A few johnson outboard questions

Make sure the tach is set on position 6.<br /><br />Let us know!


Mar 18, 2002
Re: A few johnson outboard questions

yeah its on position 6, tach works fine.<br /><br />Do i need to put on a prop with more pitch? like maybe a 13.5 X 21" SS prop, cause after i plane out and trim up my rpms go to like 6500! i didnt notice scared me.<br /><br />Koltar