A Crusader Engine Mystery: Opinions Appreciated!


Jul 29, 2005
Dear colleagues,<br /><br />We have a '78 36' Egg Harbor with twin 454 Crusaders (350 HP apiece)<br /><br />This all started about 5 months ago when the starboard engine steamed up and overheated. After limping in some 10 or so miles, the mechanic much to our chagrin (as he should have checked the cooling system first in our humble opinion) immediately tore the engine down to the cylinder walls. After diagnosing that there was a bit of scoring inside and slight signs of rust plus the presence of coolant within the engine, he offered two solutions. His preferred was a new engine, but he also said that since one of the manifolds was cracked, he could replace that and give it a shot, no guarantees. Well, we weren’t sure what to do but were advised by those on the dock that the Chevy long block is a tough piece of Detroit iron, and we might be well advised to go ahead and plop on the new manifold and give it a shot, especially since the engine had been rebuilt recently. However, from the beginning there was a mystery being that the water pump belt was frayed and broken. The belt did not seem particularly old or tattered before it severed. <br />Allright, well a couple of K letter, the mechanic reassembled the engine. The Crusader runs magnificently at a nice cool temp of 120, not using a lick of coolant or oil. We run several successful minivoyages of a couple of hours apiece, maybe all told we placed 15 engine hours on the starboard. <br />Uttooo, the problem occurred again last weekend. The temp went up to 160, and the oil pressure dropped down to about 20. We limped in and apparently, the engine overheated when the mechanic took a look this past week, and a burning stench (likely of coolant) wafted up. AGAIN, there is coolant INSIDE the engine and here’s the mystery, that belt is yet again shredded up. The mechanic said the water pump’s bearings are aligned, and everything looks kosher with the water pump. He seems a little confused. Where’s the water coming in? Why is that belt frayed and torn again? <br />Any thoughts, y’all? Could it be that the other manifold cracked and somehow cracked manifolds are causing the water pump belt to fray? Anyone heard or seen anything like this?<br />Thanks!

Reel Poor

Vice Admiral
Jan 29, 2005
Re: A Crusader Engine Mystery: Opinions Appreciated!

Which belt is shreeding?<br /><br />Circulating waterpump belt?<br /><br />Raw waterpump belt?


Jul 29, 2005
Re: A Crusader Engine Mystery: Opinions Appreciated!

I'm fairly certain it's the freshwater belt. As far as I know-the impellers are fine.<br /><br />Thanks again for your interest! Any thoughts would be much appreciated.


Jul 29, 2005
Re: A Crusader Engine Mystery: Opinions Appreciated!

By the freshwater belt, I mean the Circulating waterpump belt.<br /><br />Thanks!

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: A Crusader Engine Mystery: Opinions Appreciated!

If those pulleys are all rusty, they will destroy a belt in short order. Once it gets too loose from being to narrow, it will not turn the circ. pump and you get an overheat.<br />Are your engines raw water cooled?<br />Also, 120° is too cold for an engine to be running. They should be around 160° to 175° for a raw water cooled engine. another potential problem is replacing the exhaust on one side of the engine and not the other. They should both be changed at the same time.